Blog & Recipes — Susan Teton

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Leah McHugh



Baked Cauliflower with Almond Meal Crust

This Gluten Free recipe is to live for. Using almond meal to create a sauce to cover the cauliflower creates a crusty topping that is savory and rich, complimenting the fresh flavor of cauliflower.

I was recently at a dinner party where the host baked a cauliflower that was covered with a crust of bread crumbs, butter and various spices. Of course, the bread was not organic and was most likely GMO. So, I decided to make my own. I was off to the bulk section of my local Whole Foods Market and found almond meal. Perfect, I thought. All I need is to add some butter, fresh pressed garlic, salt, pepper and water to make a paste. Cover and bake.  If you are looking for something healthy, delicious and to make a grand showing, this is the dish for you. Give it a try.

Crust Ingredients

1 cup almond meal

3 gloves of garlic (pressed)

1/2 cup water

1/3 cup butter or ghee

salt and pepper to taste

Mix together in a shallow pan and warm until the butter melts and the all the ingredients come together to form a paste. Be careful to not eat it all before it gets on the cauliflower. Yum.

While the butter is melting and the ingredients are jiving together, wash and prep the cauliflower. Place in baking dish. If you have enough room in the baking dish add some onion, carrots or any other root vegetables that sound good. Since you are baking, you might as well fill the pan with more good food. Sprinkle a little olive oil on the veggies and some salt too.

Spread the crust mixture all over the top of the cauliflower and place in a 350 degree oven for about 1 1/2 hour.s or until a fork or knife can easily slide into the center of the cauliflower.  Now here is the hard part. The crust is sooooo good that you will want to break it off and eat it right then and there. But, try to hold off and serve. Cut into the cauliflower like you would a pie and serve.

Enjoy.  Another way to "Make Every Bite Count".

