Blog & Recipes — Susan Teton

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susan campbell



Confused About Diet? Don't Miss This Cutting Edge Nutrition Webinar

We continue to learn so much about nutrition and diet…and Thank GOD! The dietary practices keep changing BECAUSE we keep learning about the toxin terrain we live, in and how we can defend ourselves; in addition, we learn why many people are sick, including our children. This is why we must remain current, and that is why I am writing now.

Please take advantage of this cutting edge webinar from Food Matters. I have a friend who eats only meat…or all animal products: meat, dairy, chicken, fish, etc. Yikes! No veggies, fruit, grains or anything else. That is not all. I just did a class and EVERYONE was confused. This is why we must keep up with nutrition if we want to age well. And, forget aging… about just living?

It is our food choices that have the greatest most powerful contributions to our health - either way - good or bad. We are what we eat. To add to this, we don’t have the biology that we used to, to tolerate some toxins we used to. We are exposed, the science is irrefutable.

How can we reduce our exposure? Listen to this fabulous lineup of experts so that you can learn new science, protocols, and ways to live in this world, protect your loved ones, and enjoy your life!

And, don’t stop there. Seriously consider becoming a certified nutritionist from Food Matters so that you can continue to be advised, and implement new dietary, cleansing, and lifestyle habits to keep you healthy!





Herbs for Digestion & Great Flavor

Whole Seeds of Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel

Here they are in all their glory…Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel all ground up to use on almost everything you cook.

Have you ever pondered what makes Ayurvedic cuisine both incredibly delicious and healing? A key factor is the use of three specific herbs, commonly found in many dishes. While Ayurvedic cooking also incorporates other herbs like ginger, curry, and turmeric, the combination of these three, with or without ginger, can significantly enhance both the flavor of quick dishes and your digestive health. You can discover more about each of these herbs in the sections below. But first, let me share how effortlessly you can incorporate them into a variety of dishes including sautéed vegetables, cooked fruit, soups, tea, eggs, and meats.

The simplest method to use these herbs is by grinding them in a coffee grinder, ensuring they're ready whenever you need them. For optimal freshness, I recommend preparing a small batch every couple of days. Just mix about 1 teaspoon of each herb and give it a quick grind. You can store this blend in a covered dish or leave it in the grinder, provided it's exclusively used for herbs. It’s as easy as that.

Adding these herbs to tea is also great, especially if you brew up a pot of ginger and turmeric tea. Strain before serving.

Tempeh sautéed in Ghee, seasoned with this herbal blend. When I’m sautéing I add Ghee (or coconut oil if you prefer) first. Let the herbs sizzle for a bit, careful not to burn them. Then add tofu, tempeh, veggies, meat or eggs, and complete cooking.

Cumin (Jeera):

  • Digestive Health: Cumin is known for its ability to aid in digestion. It stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes necessary for digestion and nutrient assimilation.

  • Immune Function: The spice contains high amounts of iron, which is vital for immune system function and energy production.

  • Detoxification: Cumin has been shown to have a detoxifying effect, helping the liver with its detoxification pathways.

  • Blood Sugar Regulation: Some studies suggest that cumin may help in managing blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for people with diabetes.

  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Cumin has been noted for its anti-inflammatory effects, potentially helping to reduce inflammation in the body.

  1. Coriander (Dhania):

    • Digestive Aid: Coriander is often used to soothe upset stomachs and aid in overall digestion.

    • Cholesterol Management: It has been suggested that coriander can help in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL).

    • Antioxidant Properties: Rich in antioxidants, coriander helps in fighting free radicals in the body, thereby reducing oxidative stress.

    • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Similar to cumin, coriander also possesses anti-inflammatory properties.

    • Skin Health: Its antifungal and antimicrobial properties make coriander beneficial for skin health.

  2. Fennel (Saunf):

    • Digestive Health: Fennel is famous for its digestive health benefits. It can help relieve gas, bloating, and improve overall digestion.

    • Bone Health: Rich in calcium, fennel is beneficial for maintaining bone strength and health.

    • Blood Pressure Management: Fennel contains potassium, which can help in controlling high blood pressure.

    • Respiratory Health: Fennel has traditionally been used to treat respiratory conditions like asthma, cough, and bronchitis due to its expectorant properties.

    • Hormonal Balance: Fennel is thought to have properties that may help in regulating hormonal balance, particularly in women.

It's important to note that while these spices are beneficial, they should be used as part of a balanced diet and not as a sole treatment for medical conditions. For specific health issues or dietary needs, it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.

Here is some vibrant oatmeal. Add the herbs in a little Ghee, and cook for just a bit, then add the water and oats to cook the oatmeal. Adding ginger and turmeric is also yummy and extra nutritious. When the oatmeal is ready, top with blueberries, yogurt and some chopped mac nuts or walnuts. A little maple syrup doesn’t hurt either!

Lentil or any kind of soup is always enhanced with this trio of herbs. Start with cooking the herbs is some Ghee or coconut oil, then add lentils (that have been soaked overnight). Let them cook until soft, then add in the vegetables of choice. This particular soup has some sweet potatoes along with some green beans, onion, ginger and garlic.

Sliced bananas in Ghee with the trio of herbs, plus some finely chopped ginger. These cook quickly so be prepared. Once they are golden brown, top with blueberries. Turn off the heat and cover for just a few minutes.

My favorite way to serve them is with a scoop of yogurt, a little maple syrup and a squeeze of lemon. OMG!





Arugula Gone Wild - Perfect Pumpkin Seed Pesto

My garden is overflowing with Arugula. I also have basil, cilantro, parsley and some onions.

I love making a pesto with all of these herbs. Sometimes I combine them and then other times I just use the Arugula, because they is so much of it. I can hardly keep up with it. For this reason I make this recipe often for my friends as well. It is great to have in the fridge for so many things. It dresses up a can of salmon or sardines, a plate of steamed veggies, on a piece of toast, or merely a condiment on the plate. Try it!

Arugula Pumpkin Seed Pesto


  • 1/2 cup slightly roasted pumpkin seeds

  • 1 1/2 to 2 cups arugula (you can also use a combination of herbs like arugula, basil, parsley)

  • 3 tbsp fresh grated Parmesan cheese

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • 2 tbsp lemon juice

  • 1/2 cup olive oil

  • Salt to taste


  1. Begin by slightly roasting the pumpkin seeds if they aren't already. You can do this by placing them in a dry skillet over medium heat for a few minutes until they start to pop and turn golden brown. Let them cool.

  2. In a food processor, combine the roasted pumpkin seeds, arugula (and other herbs if using), Parmesan cheese, and garlic cloves. Pulse these ingredients until they are roughly chopped and mixed.

  3. Add the lemon juice to the food processor. Start the processor and slowly pour in the olive oil while it's running. This helps to emulsify the oil and create a smoother pesto. Blend until you reach your desired consistency.

  4. Season with salt to taste. If the pesto seems too thick, you can add a little more olive oil to thin it out.

  5. Your Arugula Pumpkin Seed Pesto is now ready to enjoy! It's perfect on toast, mixed into pasta, as a dip, on raw or steamed vegetables, or as a flavorful condiment on various dishes.

Enjoy your homemade pesto!





New Year, And Most Importantly - New Gut

The New Year gives us a chance at fresh beginnings. 

Welcome to Project 80!

 I will be 80 in a year and a half (July 2025). Project 80 is my active focused endeavor to reach 80 in the highest form of well being possible.

Of, course I know you may not be as close to 80 as I am, but, you may want to be there someday. I am inviting you to think about it, and take action with me so that when you arrive you can walk, talk, move easily (body & digestion), dance, focus, be pain free, and most of all PLAY.

Let’s age well and have fun doing it.

Now, before I go any further into a pep talk, which I would love to do, let get started with the number 1 Goal of Project 80:  GUT health. This is where we must start. Our GUT health supports everything, and please hear this: Restoring your gut from all the crap we breath and ingest takes time. You will not find it in a mere probiotic pill or lots of fiber. Most of us need more than that.

New routines can be challenging, and this is why I want to encourage you to join me and take advantage of an offer by Dr. Zach Bush MD, the creator of ION.

By ordering and subscribing to ION* you will receive 20% off your first order…PLUS….with auto-ship you get access to Zach Bush MD's 21 Day Gut Reset Program.

You cannot pass this up. First of all, everyone should be on ION. It is, in my opinion, and many others that ION is the single most powerful supplement to repair and restore your GUT.

Remember restoring your GUT means restoring every function of your dear sweet body. Give it some love, and let’s take Zach’s 21 Day Gut Reset together.

Bonus: For those who order ION and get Zach’s RESET, I am offering complimentary Zoom support every week beginning January 30th. Let’s do this together!

To order go directly to the ION page and order, HERE.

What is ION? Learn more on my website HERE 

This offer ends on January 17th. Do it now.





Living On Maui After The Tragedy

Many of you know that I live on the island of Maui. I live on the south side, where we did have to evacuate, but were quickly out of danger. We could see the bright red glow blazing over the west Maui Mountains as Lahaina was being destroyed.

Never would I have imagined the site of the photos when I awoke the next morning. As I turned on my phone, I was bombarded by messages from friends around the world concerned about my safety. The images were shocking, unbelievable, and traumatic.

To write this enlivens the emotions felt that morning and the days to follow.

What now?

The local community ignited into nothing short of an immediate call to action. No one had to ask. Many were awakened in the night to report to the shelters. Angels arose from everywhere as immediate relief was given in all directions. It was like a community of ants on an ant hill – everyone working where they saw fit, where they were able and in harmony and support of one another.  It was magical, and moving to say the least. The heart of a community is in how they care for each other. Maui showed up.

The remaining couple of months have been dedicated to helping the people, first with safety, food, clothing, water and communication. Money came from everywhere. Trauma relief became available from local members and experts from around the world. Meetings began to take shape for clean up and restoration. Those that were not actively responding were in trauma. Community members started hugging in store and in local businesses. We all held the same grieving awareness, and we knew it.

After the shock and response to the world who mourned with us, came a new beginning.


Since I moved here in 2006 I became involved in the community. My personal and professional efforts have been in the agriculture and local food scene. I started out by creating the Chef Teton brand of cooking shows. From my experience with the National School Lunch Program, participation with the rising health food industry, and my understanding of regenerative agricultural practices and policies I witnessed a need. I could see that raw, plant based and fermented culinary methods were on the rise. People were diet confused while hungry for knowledge.

I had become an expert in a very unusual field and did not know what to do with my experience, except to jump into the kitchen, where it all ends up. And since we are what we eat, we better get serious about eating as well as we can.

I also understood the need for a local food economy, particularly in Hawaii since we import 95% of our food. By participating on several boards of non-profit organizations within the food and agriculture sectors, I became acquainted with community leaders. I worked with the culinary school at the college, spoke at trade shows and local stores, cooked for retreats. I began teaching all over the islands. I became acquainted with the small farmers growing healthy food, and creating healthy growing methods. Unions were formed, local farmers markets cropped up, and many worked tirelessly for a healthy, safe and sustainable food source. With a team of dedicated individuals we founded an organization called “Food Security Hawaii”. It has been slow but steady.

Our governments, both on Maui and in the state of Hawaii, are extremely slow at making changes. Many of the policies impede growth and force artisans and growers to states where support and red tape is not so thick. Things got worse instead of better.

I was continually saddened by how our reefs are being ruined, our soil dried out and dead, and pesticides sprayed everywhere. Because we have removed so much biomass we have lost our small water cycle and continually experience droughts. When it does rain, it floods, because the dried out soil cannot hold water. I have laid awake nights, sickened by the demise of this island and the lack of leadership we need to shift things. The needed changes and advancements have been continually impeded. Monsanto (now Bayer) and big ag continue to rule. It is a mess.  I considered giving up.


I have had the honor recently to sit In on some of the Lahaina Restoration meetings, and I walked away with new hope in my heart. I was blown away by the advancements and expertise within our own community members. Not only do they know their individual fields but their ability to use advanced technologies to aide them in planning and teamwork is way beyond my technical knowledge.

I share all of this because, even though I knew many in the field, I did not know that we had so much advanced expertise. Many of our devoted farmers have matured and grown into advanced experts in their fields. All of us (mostly them) who have been working these past 20 years have honed their skills, and have become experts in fields of soil biology, restoration, natural biologicals and amendments, along with advanced technologies in every direction.

I felt trust and pride in my capable community. I felt new hope birthed in me. Our government leaders were finally interested, willing to learn terms they never heard of and technologies foreign to them. They listened eagerly and sought advice. It was thrilling! OMG, someone is listening!

I walked away from the meetings feeling safe, trusting we are in good hands. We have an opportunity now for our government leaders to become informed. Or at least I hope they do. Many, particularly our Governor and the media, blame this fire on two words: Climate Change. This is not the reason. This fire was the result of a drought and high winds, not to mention poor response from our leaders. This fire was not because of global warming, but because the bio mass has been removed, the soils are dead, and natural rivers and streams have been diverted to resorts and golf courses. Valleys, once rich with tropical biomass, agriculture and food forests are dried up fields, and/or covered with subdivisions. It’s a bigger story than I could ever tell here. But, electric cars are not the answer. We must look at the underlying cause.

Changes in the quantity of carbon stored in the soil can affect the global carbon cycle and alter carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Thus, decreases in soil carbon (rich healthy soil) may raise greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere, thus contributing to climate change. The point here is that we need to restore the quality of our soil by stopping the use of poisonous pesticides and herbicides, and instead plant, plant, and plant. When we know, without a shadow of a doubt that glyphosate (RoundUp) causes cancer, how can it possibility still be legal and sprayed all over this island? We must turn now to natural soil amendments.

But, I am getting off point. What I want to say is that I am proud of the movement that has not died, but only grown. I am proud of the expertise that exists on Maui to create healthier landscapes and agricultural systems. Many of our emerging experts have dedicated their life to learn and implement regenerative and sustainable methods. Perhaps our government will listen now because the Hawaiian people, who have lost their community in Lahaina, have a stronger voice now.  The Hawaiians, along with all the angels on the island, are making sure the right decisions are made for restoration in the direction of healthy air, water, soil, and food, something they have fought for years unsuccessfully.

Tourism will still be welcome, but hopefully this tragedy will be used to move us in a direction of restoration instead of destruction. I know the expertise exists, the methods exist and the community will hold strong together and make it so.  

Blessings to all who have lost their loved ones, homes and suffered so. It is still raw here, many are displaced and still in trauma. Please hold them in your prayers as the “main stream” media turns its attention to even more destruction around the world. Many are suffering great loss.

Blessings to all.

Stay healthy. Healthy people are the catalyst to a healthy community. Let’s be smart in our everyday decisions, support our local economies/communities, and honor the lives we have been given by caring for ourselves. Let’s honor the natural world. It is, by the way, our very sustenance.

What’s next? Stay tuned!

Big Love to all! Chef Teton






The BEST Gut Repair Everyone Should Take

For over a year now I have been taking ION Gut Support. I waited to tell you about it until I used it for a good amount of time to witness the results of my use. Everyone, in my opinion should use this product. I could tell you why, but Dr. Zach Bush M.D., the founder/creator of ION can tell you much better than I as he tells the story of ION. Click HERE for two reasons:

1) Listen to Dr. Zach speak about it along with the a short video of Cindy (PhD scientist) and Scott Fulton’s radical experience with ION. There are thousands of stories like theirs. In addition there is a huge sale going on right now for the Travel Bundle that ends at the end of June, with free shipping.

Here is some of my story with ION

I just returned home from a 3 week vacation where my dietary habits and lifestyle were thrown to the wind. I do not know what my travel would have been like without ION. The company, Intelligence of Nature (ION) not only makes a gut support, but also a skin and nasal support in a travel bundle that is on sale now, and in small sizes for carry on baggage. This bundle is not only great for travel for also for sampling, although I recommend getting a 32oz bottle and use ION forever…..

Anyway, back to my experience. For the past year my digestion, mental clarity and stamina have improved significantly. I don’t have any joint stiffness and have great energy. I am about to turn 78 on July 4th, and need all the support I can get. I am sure that ION is not the only reason why I feel great (more to come), but I know it plays a significant role. I have all my friends taking it and all doing well.

More on ION:

ION not really a supplement, it is a food. ION stands for “Intelligence Of Nature”. It is all natural and soil derived. It is a supplement in name only, seeking not to add but to connect. The innovative blend, Terrahydrite, gets to the root of health by defending you from harmful toxins that are everywhere even if you have an excellent diet of organic foods. ION supports cell to cell communication which is vital. Stronger communication leads to a stronger gut, which means a stronger you. ION starts at the foundation of microbiome health and lets your body’s innate strength take care of the rest. Best to learn from Dr. Zach.

Some people get immediate results in digestion, bowel health, bloating, allergies and more. With my travels I had the nasal ION for long airplane rides, dramatic air changes, and the skin support to hydrate. For the very first time ever, I did not get hay fever on a plane. I took several flights and all were clear! OMG, that was great. ION is a tool to fortify your defenses and improve microbiome diversity throughout your body.

Do you best to learn about this valuable product because it will also help you understand and connect with how our bodies work and what all this info about our microbiome means. And, if you can, get the travel bundle while it is on sale.

Stay tuned for more.

Chef Teton





All Of A Sudden (A Journal Entry - Taking Care of MOM)

All of A Sudden


My arena is changing, as is all life. But I just noticed that mine changed enough to seem like it changed all of a sudden.

 You know that place where “all of a sudden” just happens?

 Like all of a sudden you will need a haircut, your jeans are too tight, or you notice wrinkles on your face, that your bank account is empty, and you are getting old. You know it is coming, but you don’t notice until the effect has accumulated enough to get your attention.

 This just happened to me. I went home to visit my family and some close friends. After 14 months of island living, I reluctantly boarded a plane for LAX. I was about to enter a world familiar and yet alien all at once. I wasn’t on the plane for more than an hour that I started sneezing. I landed sneezing, red nose and stony eyes. Exhausted from getting ready to make the journey, now 10 PM, I mounted into a shared van and braved the freeways to my Mom’s house in Costa Mesa, CA.

 My Mom greeted me from her apartment, her pink door wide open in a senior housing unit within a very short walk of a large park, a library, fire station, The Coffee Bean, Sav On Drugs, FedEx Kinkos, a stellar yoga studio, 24 Hour Fitness, AT&T phone store, UPS Mail Store, Mothers Market, Trader Joes, Edwards Cinema Complex, the bus stop, Bev Mo Liquors, plus shoe stores, used clothing stores, baby furniture and so much more. In other words, it was nothing like the island living I was used to.

 I made a bed on her couch with a Kleenex box close beside me. The fan is on to help drown out the TV playing in her small bedroom room next to me. The patio door in the living area where I was sleeping has a stick in it to keep us safe from potential intruders, and the night-light is on in the kitchen three feet from my head. The bathroom is twelve feet away with a night-light too. This radically different than the natural setting I lived in.

There is something cute and quaint on every counter, table and wall. There are family photos everywhere along with large poster photos of Clark Cable and Marilyn Monroe. Mom’s make up mirror and makeup are on the edge of the bar that divides the living room and kitchen. There are rugs everywhere, tiger striped pillows along with a guitar and a small piano. It is funky, colorful, and has a sense of an organizational mess. The person who put this house together knows exactly what they want. She is messy, but most the time she is at least consciously messy.

The bottom line of what matters here is that her house feels inviting, cozy and loving, even though samall, dusty and crowded. Despite loud trucks unloading their cargo at 5AM when it is still dark, the hum of the 24-hour television, the earplugs hurting my ears, and the small too soft sofa, I sleep well. I guess it is because I am at home. This is Mom’s home and she is the one I have spent most of my life with. She is home to the deepest oldest part of me – the good, the bad, and the ugly – all wrapped up to signify my origin.

 Mom is 89. She runs the show in her apartment. I try desperately to make some space for my things, thus moving some of hers. I don’t think she will notice. She does. I adjust. She drives and lives on Insure and zucchini cakes. She is still very cute and how she looks is still as important as her days as a young teen when she worked in Hollywood theaters as an usher.  She won’t step out the door without her lipstick on. And, I better have mine on too, or I will hear about it.

 What I was not prepared for in any way was her memory or lack thereof.  Yes, she was forgetful last year and repeated stories to me over and over, but the stage at which her dementia had progressed was surprisingly alarming. It took me several days to catch on. I would forget that she forgets. Simple messages about where I was going and when I was coming home were thrown to the wind. When I asked what she would like to eat, I always got the same answer, “Nothing sounds good, but if you make it, I might have some”. After a while I quit asking.

Doctors called and ask that I monitor her medications. While there I caught on that she was taking over 7. I began to wonder if all of her 4 doctors ever talked. Then I would find prescription bottles tucked in her bed – some empty and some half full. When I tried to create order, she would get furious and hurt by my efforts. She felt helpless when reminded of her age, when all the while she is using every bit of her spirit to keep motivated and alive. She is sick, has Crohn’s Disease, and takes 4 Vicodan a day plus sleeping pills, blood thinners, steroids, antiviral meds, and more. She is in pain 24-7. I am terrified to drive with her, yet she drives just fine as long as she stays in her 1-mile radius.

 All of a sudden my Mother is an old person with dementia and she needs more care than ever before. All of a sudden I am the oldest of 4 who is caring for her. Last year she could still get dressed up to go out and sing, which she loves to do and is good at. This year she declines. She even declines a cocktail, which I had to make myself every night just to cope with my confused feelings. She once commented while I was there, “Oh God, I don’t want to grow old and not drink”. All of a sudden, what used to be fun is no longer.

 Don’t get me wrong. My Mom is not someone who is going to go down without a fight. Her ego and vanity are still in full bloom. She dyes her hair flame red, wears big hoop earrings and always looks stylish and adorable. Her big blue eyes are still full of wonder, and her sense of humor is vibrant. She is creative and once wrote a dozen clever children’s songs, which she longs to see published in the world.  She is a character that everyone loves. She is a family treasure for sure. 

There is more to my story of a family in change. My sister, one year younger than I is undergoing Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. It is stage one, and she is doing great, but even so, there is a shift in how we spend our time together, what we talk about and how we relate.

 Last year, and all the years previous when my siblings and I gathered, we would get dressed up to go out.  With lipstick on and our sexiest clothes we would head to a friends house or to a local bar for Happy Hour. This year Mom and I got dressed up to visit my sister at the hospital while she received Chemo. Mom insisted on driving. As we went out the door, I raced back in and and found myself putting some Vodka and Tonic in my water bottle.  It was, after all, late afternoon. If my friends and customers could see me now. I needed to medicate myself while visiting the medicated. Oh my.

I was terrified to see my sister get chemo. Seriously, I did not think I could handle sitting in the large sterile room with IV’s attached to her. So, I tipped my water bottle containing my secret potion and eased into it.  She is not the only one there. What is happening to our people? I was overwhelmed at the destruction and prayed for help. My prayers were answered as I began to see that this was my opportunity to truly love unconditionally, to be in grace with every moment. I was shocked at my inability at times. Vodka helped.

As I look back I wish I could have laughed at all the insanity, the chaos and loony ness of it all, particularly in me. But, while I was there I just kept acting like the oldest of 4 children, trying to take care and fix as much as I could.

What I finally came to experience and who I came to be was just loving and accepting – sort of. No matter what any of us are doing we always have the choice of how we will “be”. I have come to realize that this is what matters most. Not that “doing” is not important. But, if doing comes with crankiness, anger or resentment, it might be better left undone. No matter if my Mom argues with me about what she said, or screams at me for intruding with her doctors, or my sister has decided to go a route I could never imagine, how I “AM” is what matters.

In retrospect I wish I could have been more fun. I wish I would have listened to my Mom’s stories over and over instead of reminding her that she already told me. I wish I spent more time watching stupid TV shows with her and participated more with movie star gossip. I wish I could have listened to her favorite radio show when she asked me over and over again to join her. I was just too busy it seemed, and honestly so uninterested. I was scared too. Is this where I am going? Oh God.

When I came home my nerves were fractured, and yet I had to show up for a full previously committed schedule for a couple days. I was so emotionally exhausted and ill equipped to respond when asked, “How was your trip? Did you have fun?” I wanted to scream, “NO”. It was not fun. It definitely had high moments, but I had not had time to process the profound “all of a sudden” changes to my life at home yet.  I felt confused and so far from the place of being I knew so well. Where did I go?

Two days after arriving home I finally had the space to go for a walk on one of my favorite beaches. I went early. There were hardly any other souls there. I took a big sigh when absorbing the look and feel of the trees and the vast ocean that lie before me. I approached the waters edge of soft lapping waves in a day dreamy state. The moment the water touched my feet a stream of energy erupted from my being and I began to cry. The cry turned into a sob, a loud sob as I progressed down the beach. Good thing there were no other souls around except the unseen ones who carried me and held me through my mourning.

Clarity came with the cleansing of my nervous system. I was grieving that life as I knew it with my family was “over”. A huge sense of sadness came over me for the loss of what was. I was in deep mourning. I cried and cried with sadness and gratitude all at once. Seriously, we have come so far, my family and me. We had lots of fun and we loved each other dearly. We were fortunate in so many ways. But, the place I have always journeyed to called “home” is different, all of a sudden. Perhaps that is what breaks my heart wide open. We have had such longevity together, and much of it is over. It went so fast.

The cleansing flow of grief gave room for the fear that was buried deep within me. All of a sudden I faced the fact that more loss was just around the corner.

 All of a sudden I am an elder who is facing the loss of my own.

My new challenge, which is really an old one newly recognized, is to stay in Grace with radically changing times. The only way I know how to do that now is to stay very close to my center and “be” in the vastness called God.  

Then when all of a sudden comes again I may not need Vodka.





Congee For Malabsorption

Congee Soup

Congee or often-called “Jook”, a Chinese soup, porridge type food.


 What does malabsorption mean? Whether we are overweight and/or underweight, been through a trauma or crisis, undergone surgery, chemo, or have gastritis or leaky gut…….whatever…..we might not be absorbing our food and supplements, and thus the nutrients we so desperately need……even if we eat healthy foods.

 I recently became enlightened to malabsorption. Here is my story:

About 3 years ago I experienced several traumatic events all at once. Many of us did. For me, it was a surprised forced move from my home of 17 years, dealing with a sick family member, and leaving my community – none of which I chose (on a conscious level anyway). The events caused a huge stress on my body, mind and soul. I lost weight, muscle and inspiration.

 The stress caused a physical state of gastric erosions in my upper stomach, dramatic weight loss and a depressed fatigued state of being. I tried everything to repair and gain weight. I ate like a pig (sorry pig), and pooped like a baby. Of course, I ate good food (meaning  – whole foods including ghee, other good fats, and lots of carb rich plant based foods. I did not consume sugar, coffee, alcohol or anything that might be irritating to my stomach and organs. I grew and made my own aloe, and did all I knew to keep my system alkaline.

 Despite my focused dietary efforts and supplements, gaining weight was not happening easily. I worked with a weight trainer, which resulted in a great mood lifter. Like I said in my previous blog post: “More muscle, more everything.” I began getting my energy back , some new muscle, and felt good. My gastric erosions healed, but something else was keeping me in a less than excellent condition. Being a life long advocate for health, I was at a loss how to fix myself. Many times I wondered if this was just aging and I may feel this way the rest of my life. Arggg, I hated that thought but began to give into it. I kept surrendering, yet not giving up.

I found that there was a way to surrender to the process, and stay true to the vision in the same breath, so to speak. Surrendering was allowing the process to go at its own pace while trusting my inner knowingness to move, act or be still when called for.

During 2022 I also studied with Dr. Zach Bush. He and his team created the “Journey of Intrinsic Health (JOIH)”. I was thrilled Dr. Zach was launching this 6 week course and melted into it. Following the course I signed up for their coaching certification course for the 8 protocols of the JOIH. This is when my entire perspective changed on how I viewed our pursuit for health and how to heal and thrive. There is much more to share of my experience and the offers I will be offering for coaching, but this post is about Congee.

Just at the launch of the 2023 new year, I got the flu (covid) and lost those valuable pounds that I had gained, and felt very weak for a couple of weeks. It was like 3 steps forward and 3 back. “Perhaps this is how it will go from now on”, I wondered.

Right around mid February ,still dragging my behind around, an acupuncturist came to Maui with a quantum biofeedback system called Eductor.  Something in me said, “Go, make an appointment”. So, I did.

Without getting into the weeds of the frequency device, which I found to read me correctly, Naomi, the Acupuncturist, told me that I was not absorbing my food. In reading my chart, she informed me that I was living with a viral overload as well as some inflammation.

 Bingo! I instantly knew she was right as my knowing self lite up. Naomi’s prescribed protocol was to make Congee (also called “Jook) and eat it daily – along with some Chinese herbs to help tonify the organs.

 Following her advice, I purchased the herbal ingredients at our local Dragon’s Den and made my first batch. It was not good. Yuk, actually. I had no idea how much of each of the ingredients I was supposed to use, or much else for that matter. But, I learned. My second batch was better, and they began getting delicious. I could feel the healing benefits in my body within a few days. Congee is easy to absorb, nurturing, nourishing and healthy. There is just something soothing about this porridge.

 After about a week or two of eating a couple of large bowls a day, my stomach stopped hurting after meals. I gained a few pounds, and my elimination became hearty in a good way. I began to perk up like a flower starving for water. Things felt right and my energy began to return. I am still enjoying Congee, keeping my crock-pot brewing a batch every few days. I discovered many variations that pleased my palate and delivered plant diversity, which is so valuable to our digestive process.  It is great for breakfast as it is good to break a fast with.

Now, I am not saying this Congee is a cure all or that it is perfect for you, but instead offering a new food that is known to help with malabsorption and/or is easy to digest for those that are overcoming disease or trauma. Perhaps it is you, or someone you love.

 Congee is super easy make and works perfectly in a crock-pot. It can serve as an entire meal and/or an accompaniment to a meal. My particular recipe included sweet rice and lots of water or vegetable or bone broth in addition to some herbs, veggies, and perhaps some ginger and turmeric. Being the foodie that I am, I created a lot of variations.

 Congee is often used to break a fast for cancer and other recovering patients, and people who are worn down and need nourishing yet may not have the digestive fire and/or capacity enough to digest other foods. It is effective in the way that it nourishes the spleen, kidneys and helps the digestive system to rebalance.

 There are many ways to make Congee. Here is how I make it. 

 Sweet Rice – My acupuncturist stressed the importance of using sweet rice. I could not find sweet white rice, so I used sweet brown rice to begin with. Then I discovered a local Asian store that had the sweet white rice (easier to digest), which I preferred.  

 Thus I began my adventure making all sorts of Congee, differing from what you might find on the Internet, but in alignment with traditional recipes.

 What follows is a list of the herbs, plus the other ingredients. I use a variation of the following ingredients depending on what I have on hand or was in the mood for. That being said, I usually always use the prescribed herbs.

 Herbs (always used these)

Lotus Seeds

Red Dates

Dragon Eyes (dried Longan fruit)

Goji Berries

Shan Yao






Various Vegetables

Beans (kidney, black and white)


Green onions


 Recipes also include adding chicken, turkey, fish, mushrooms, etc. depending on your desire and constitution. Of course, all of these ingredients are not intended to be used at once.

 For about a week I enjoyed Congee for 2 to 3 times a day.

  This all might seem complicated at first, it was for me, but it is just so simple now, and I am so happy to have something simple to make in a crock pot and have it ready at the end of the day, or first thing in the morning (setting the pot on low for the night).

How To Cook Congee

Rinse about ½ cup rice and add to at least 6 cups of water. Add the herbs listed below and whatever other foods you want (ginger, garlic, etc.) that take longer to cook. Bring to light boil and slow cook for a couple of hours. It is important to break down the rice. Try to find “white sweet rice”. If you can’t find it, then use any organic white rice.  I love sushi rice.

 My method is to cook the rice and herbs for a long time (3 to 4 hours on a simmer) until they are very soft. If I am adding lentils I soak them first. With the rice and herbs I add the ginger, garlic and turmeric if I am using them all. If using canned beans they can be added toward the end.

Then when the rice and herbs are thoroughly cooked, I add some veggies, and beans. Then in the last hour or so, I add in the veggies of choice. (more about the herbs below)

 How I changed:

Our poop tells out story, but how do we know what it all means? I am going to be blunt. Before Congee I had at lest 4 to 5 bowel movements a day. It was a bit much I thought. Food was going right through me. This is one of the symptoms of malabsorption.

 Within a few days, my eliminations were much more healthy and at a pace of about 2 times a day, which is more like it should be. My stomach also hurt much less.

 Here is a little information about the Chinese Herbs I included in my Congee that I retrieved from the Internet. If you do not have a store in your area, then you can get many of the ingredients online.

Disclaimer: I am neither an herbalist nor an acupuncturist. And, this may not be the best formula for you. It worked well for me, and would most likely be good for all. But, remember. we are all different.

 Shan Yao

It supports the Lung, Spleen and Kidney Qi making it excellent for anyone who is suffering from fatigue or who is generally feeling stressed and depleted. You'll find it in formulas for weak digestion (diarrhea, IBS, Crones) lung disorders (chronic cough, asthma) and formulas to improve reproduction and vitality.

 Lotus Seeds

Lotus contains chemicals that decrease swelling, kill cancer cells and bacteria, reduce blood sugar, help the breakdown of fat, and protect the heart and blood vessels. Chemicals in lotus also seem to protect the skin, liver, and brain.

Lotus seeds contain many bioactive compounds like alkaloid, flavonoids etc. Lotus seeds exert anti‐inflammatory, anti‐cancer, hypoglycemic activity and others. Lotus seeds have beneficial aspects by decreasing the risk of chronic diseases.

 Dragon Eyes (longan fruit dried)

It is often called 'dragon's eye' due to its pale white flesh with a central black seed. However, it is less aromatic and has a hint of musky flavor. From a nutrition standpoint, Longan fruit is a good source of B vitamins and vitamin C. Additionally it contains fair amounts of minerals like phosphorus and copper.

Longan contains a good amount of potassium, which helps control blood pressure. Many nutritionists consider potassium an under-consumed nutrient, with most Americans getting only about half the recommended amount.Sep 9, 2022

 Red Dates – also called Jujubi

 A number of scientific studies have found the jujube to be beneficial for insomnia, enhance mood, general gastrointestinal problems, anti-inflammation, anti-cancer, and blood pressure.

A number of scientific studies have found the jujube to be beneficial for insomnia, enhance mood, general gastrointestinal problems, anti-inflammation, anti-cancer, and blood pressure.

 Goji Berries

I added these because I had them on hand, and noticed that they are in many of the congee recipes.

 More Cooking Info

Beware of Shan Yao

I believe this herb is wonderful, BUT BEWARE, only use a small piece – like the size of a dime. The herb is a dry white stuff kind of like thin cardboard. So, a little chip works fine. It will “thicken” the soup. When I first used it, I did not know how much to use and my soup was really thick and kind of slimy. It tasted OK, but was weird in texture, and it gave me the creeps. Then I learned to use a very small amount. But, it is powerful, so make sure you use enough and don’t be worried if it is slightly thick in a new weird way.

 Add the red dates (4 or 5), and dragon eyes (5 or so). The red dates have a hard seed in them that can be removed when they are cooked and soft. The dragon eyes expand. The lotus seeds are as hard as a rock, and thus take quite a while to cook and soften, so allow time. Before adding them you must break them open and take out the little dried green stem in the middle. It is easy, much like opening a roasted pistachio nut. Then you can throw them into the Congee. They are full of protein, and other good nutrients. Sometimes I soak them overnight so they are ready to put in Congee, but if I forget then they need 3 or 4 hours in the crockpot on high. You can add vegetable or bone broth to give it more liquid if you want.

 There is lots of info on the Internet. I liked this one:






Luscious Chai Honey - My Favorite New Treat and Gift

Kami McBride, the best herbalist ever taught me to make this Chai Honey, and now I make it for all my friends. I became so excited about it that I could not help myself. I wanted everyone to try it. It is simple to make and there is really nothing like it. All you need is honey and the dry spices to mix in. I started out by cutting the recipe in half, but went through the jar so fast I made two cups the next time.

My favorite way to enjoy it is on Alvarado Street Bakery’s Sesame Bagels. OMG. Toast it so it is kind of crunchy, add a little Ghee and top with the honey. I also love to mix a tsp in my blended morning (or anytime) mushroom drink, or of course a cup of tea or coffee. Sometimes I eat a tsp of it all by itself.

Kami is launching a free video series for an upcoming course on herbal oils. I highly recommend you watch this series and discover the wonderful world of powerful antioxidant rich herbs and oils. Most of us use essential oils, and know how wonderfully pleasing and healing they are. Imagine making your own herbal oils for culinary use and massage oils. Here is the link to the first one on how to make Lavender Oil which starts tomorrow (March 24)

For you Chai lovers here is the link for the Chai Honey Recipe. Kami’s book, “The Herbal Kitchen” is a great resource as well.

Let me know how you like it!

Making Every Bite Count,

Chef Teton





Don't Learn About Nutrition Form A Health & Wellness Coach

Ouch, did I really say that? Here I am a Health & Wellness Coach, and I just said not to learn nutrition from someone like me. Ouch.

 Here is why I say this. When I work with someone that does not really understand nutrition, it takes a lot of teaching and coaching because so much of the information is a new territory of terms and biology. In addition, if a person does not have a basic understanding as to “why” then changes often don’t stick.

 A good coach will teach by providing nutritional knowledge, of course, along with structure and accountability. That said, the best part of a good coach is to guide one to know thyself and tap into their own intrinsic knowingness. This comes easier for a client who knows  the territory.

My suggestion is, if you can take the time and afford it, learn every thing you can about nutrition. Yes, I am encouraging you to take the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course. Check it out HERE, and see if it is something that interests you. And, watch the video about to see if it resonates with you.

I encourage you to consider and take action - learn as much as you can bout nutrition.  

 If you do, it will be one of the best gifts you can give yourself, your family (even though family never seems to listen) and your community. I am still blown away by how much people don’t know. And, our lives depend on knowing and making the right choices for ourselves and each other – if we can.

Making Every Bite Count, Chef Teton





Live Today - My Master Class Series on Food Matters

“It’s just not my thing”.

 This is what a client said to me when I was teaching her some cooking methods. I thought to myself, “well it better start to be your thing” if you want to feel better, be better and look better. I know I may sound a bit arrogant, but since she already had cancer, and is experiencing digestive issues along with painful stomach aches and bowel discomfort. I wondered if those ailments were “her thing”.  

Everyone knows on some level what healthy food is, but I don’t think most realize just how powerful food (nutrition or lack there of) is. It is more powerful than most give credit. In addition, how we grow our food, meaning the quality of our soil, is probably one of the most valuable practices we are changing globally to solve many of our environmental issues as well.  

Hard or not, your thing or not, we must become educated and somewhat skilled to feed ourselves with nourishment – not poison.

 After being a professional advocate for “healthy food” for over 40 years, I cannot scream loud enough that “Food Matters”.

Please take advantage of this Masterclass Series. There is so much here that I know you will get a nugget or two.

 Making Every Bite Count, Chef Teton





Live Today - MasterClass - Aging Gracefully

What a wonderful give from Food Matters, this Masterclass Series. Mine is live today along with many others. Check them out

My most recent blog post:

“It’s just not my thing”.

This is what a client said to me when I was teaching her some cooking methods. I thought to myself, “well it better start to be your thing” if you want to feel better, be better and look better. I know I may sound a bit arrogant, but since she already had cancer, and is experiencing digestive issues along with painful stomach aches and bowel discomfort. I wondered if those ailments were “her thing”.  

 Everyone knows on some level what healthy food is, but I don’t think most realize just how powerful food (nutrition or lack there of) is. It is more powerful than most give credit. In addition, how we grow our food, meaning the quality of our soil, is probably one of the most valuable practices we are changing globally  for many of our environmental issues as well.  Hard or not, your thing or not, we must become educated and somewhat skilled to feed ourselves with nourishment – not poison.

I get that shopping and food prep often gets in the way of all the things we want to do in life.  It is “the thing” of today, where as years ago, we just “ate” because good food was all around us. It is different now.

After being a professional advocate for “healthy food and soil” for over 40 years, I cannot scream loud enough that “Food Matters”.

 Please take advantage of this Masterclass Series. There is so much here that I know you will get a nugget or two





MasterClass on Sleep & Gut: Why We Must Improve Both! Airing Now

Sleep with Jason Prall & The Gut with JJ Virgin

Live Now

The only people I know that sleep really well are those that take sleeping pills. Well, I take that back. I do have a few friends, who sleep beautifully. They wake up restored and ready to hit to day with energy and a good mood to boot. This is not me, however, I have improved my sleep enormously by taking the steps Jason shares in the Masterclass today.

Take a listen because sleep is a vital element to the health and success of our days. I am so happy Food Matters includes Sleep in a nutrition masterclass becuase sleep is a huge nutrient. Food alone does make a happy human. That being said, your diet plays a KEY role in how you sleep. Take advantage of this free class while it is airing.

Watch video teasers below as JJ Virgin shares her vital information. She is a straight shooter, which I love. There is never a time more vital than now to learn about nutrition. Our food system is a mess, and we MUST become knowledgable and prudent.

Enjoy the series with the valuable information.

Making Every Bite Count,

Chef Teton





Understanding Anxiety & Stress More Than Ever

Until the last couple of years I did not really understand anxiety. I am sure I experienced it, but I was not in touch with what it was doing to my soul, and my body. This Supplement guide is actually one of the best because it addresses the nutritional and lifestyle ways we can alleviate the consequences of anxiety and stress. There are remedies to help us and now is the time to put them into your life.

My advice, even though unsolicited, is to incorporate these practices in your life now. Why? Because even if you don’t think you need them or are not feeling the affects of stress, you don’t want to wait until that time. In addition, they work, and they will awaken you to your intrinsic knowing of self and help you gain control of your well being.

We cannot heal from just a pill, or usually someone else, although it is very helpful. We must take control of ourselves. I believe this is what is being called for right now. It is not easy, because the world is full of challenges and energies that are affecting us. I don’t want to get boiled down into doomsday, because there is another reality. Having lifestyle practices that work and supplements that help calm us are necessary ingredients in our lives today if we want to grow and age with well being. It is just that way it is. And, it can be fun and exciting.

It just so happens that my life has been so turbulent the last couple of months and these supplements and practices are what saved me - so far anyway. Besides incorporating them into my life, which i sadly say, I did not do too much of before, they woke me up to the need that I had to take control of my nervous system and serenity.

In addition, I learned some new things about nutrition and food that I did not know, and have now incorporated into my daily life. I will share these in the next newsletter. For now, I am hoping you will take advantage of this valuable ebook.

During my recent coaching certification program (the Journey of Intrinsic Health with Dr. Zach Bush) I was awakened to my intrinsic knowingness. What does that mean? This is what I will be sharing as I continue to communicate with you. For now, get this wonderful little ebook and consider becoming an expert of how to treat your body and the Earth you live on/in.

We are not separate, and we have so much to enjoy by knowing ourselves and our world better. What a gift and challenge all in the same instant.

Many blessings to all,

Making Every Bite Count,

Chef Teton





Wow! Another Complimentary Food Matters MasterClass

What a fabulous opportunity from Food Matters. They are once again offering us more knowledge, the thing we need now in the compromised - toxic world we are creating.

NOW is the time to become smart, informed and committed to taking action. The quality our lives depend on it.

We are truly blessed to have a company like Food Matters - dedicated to our health. Sign up for this complimentary MasterClass Series now - starts next Monday, March 13th.

When you read things like “Balance your hormones, increase your energy, create flowing digestion, and flexible joints" followed by some advice about your diet, know that it is probably true. Many of us know on some level what is good and what is not, yet I find many people still confused and making poor choices without even knowing it.

I believe that is because most people don’t realize just how POWERFUL food is. This means that it has the power to fuel us to grow healthy, or poison us to into decline and disease.

We have a choice. Lots more to come as we journey ahead.

Sign up HERE to save your complimentary spot to become inspired and empowered to make informed choices.

This is a wonderful gift from Food Matters! Let’s do it together.

Making Every Bite Count!

Chef Teton





Yeah, I am certified by Zach Bush MD & Team as a Coach for Journey of Intrinsic Health

After a year of study, or perhaps I should say “play” I became a certified coach for Journey of Intrinsic Health. For me it was play because it was so much fun - riveting to say the least - as we gathered and played in the field of community.

I don’t even know where to start except to say that my entire perception of what health means while living on this planet became new to me. We, well most of us, know we must align ourselves with the life force of the natural world if we want to live out the extinction rate that is upon us.

We all come from the same place and live in community with all life, whether we are aware of it or not. But, what does that really mean? How does knowing this intrinsically shape our lives? How does it shift our actions, our thoughts and how we respond to each other and our communities? Where can we find our innate power and knowingness? And, what protocols can we follow to ignite the power of health and growth within us? These questions were asked and answers were revealed as we gathered to learn from Dr. Bush, his team, and each other. It was, and is, the gift that keeps on giving.

If you would like to know more, please visit:, or contact me at: I am coaching again, and have two spaces open. But, in any event, I love to share and learn what your needs are.

Blessings to All! Susan Teton





Sweet & Sour Potatoes

Sweet & Sour Potatoes

Want something rich, salty and satisfying? These potatoes will do it.

An Ayurvedic doctor showed me how to make these years ago. We were at someones else’s house that did not have much food, so we scrounged around and found the ingredients to make these scrumptious potatoes. I was skeptical at first until I enjoyed a bowl of this balanced meal.

You will note in the picture above that I added some steamed mushrooms while steaming the potatoes. Incidentally, steaming is much faster than boiling. I have turned many clients on to this recipe when they are trying to get off sugary rich desserts. It works!



An herb or choice: Parsley, Cilantro, or?

Olive OIl





Wash and cut potatoes (skin on or off), and cut into bite size pieces. Steam or boil them until soft.

Chop herb of choice.

When potatoes have cooked to a soft texture, place into a serving bowl. Drizzle with EVOO, a little honey and salt. Sprinkle on the herb or choice, and top with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Enjoy!

I know, it sounds weird. But, the magic comes in having all the tastes present, which are necessary in the Ayurvedic culinary tradition: sweet, sour, bitter pungent and salty. This is what makes this dish so appetizing and satisfying. It is also super simple!

Want a rich dessert, or craving something sweet and salty? This will do it. It will fill you up but not out, and has all the indgredients for a healthy meal or snack.





The Best Tortilla Soup

I have not made tortilla soup often, probably only once before. What a shame because it is so good, especially with the Mexican blend of Bellalicious spice (

When I had the flu over the holidays I craved tortilla soup. A friend brought over some homemade chicken broth, which I was also craving. When I had the energy I threw it together and had enough to last a few days. OMG, it was delicious.

There are many ways to make Tortilla Soup, with or without chicken, and you can use veggie broth instead of chicken if you want to go vegan. With the addition of Bellalicious spices, the ingredients stewed together made this soup so hearty and fulfilling. You will notice I did not put any tortillas on top. They were not around and I did not have the energy to make my own. Plus, most of us don’t want to eat fried foods anymore, so you can easily leave them out. Do as you like.

If you do not have Bellalicious spices yet, you can leave spices out and/or add some cumin and chili powder if you like. Otherwise it is very flavorful without extra spice. That being said, I tasted it both ways, and of course, the Bellalicious Mexican blend made it all the better, and it was so simple.

Here is the basic recipe I followed:


2 tbsp garlic

1 onion

2 jalepenos

Saute them together in olive oil or ghee until tender.


1 - 14 ounce can of fire-roasted diced tomatoes

1 - 14 ounce can of black beans (rinsed)

(You can add corn or other canned beans or chicken if desired)

1/2 cup or more of chopped cilantro

Spices & S&P to taste (I used 2 tsp of the Bellalicious spice blend)

Stir together and then add about 5 to 6 cups of broth of choice.

Cook for about 20 to 30 minutes on medium heat until flavors have come together. Add S&P as needed.

Serve and top with more cilantro, avocado, and grated cheese of choice (I used Cheddar, but Monterrey Jack is also excellent). Squeeze fresh lime on top and enjoy.

If you want to include the tortilla strips, you can cut corn tortillas in strips and fry them in coconut or olive oil until crispy. Or, you can use packaged chips of choice.


Making Every Bite Count, Chef Teton





Mana Toast with Macadamia Nut Cheese & Maple Syrup (the raw French Toast)

Mana Bread Toast With Mac Nut Cream & Maple Syrup

This is a rich and delicious recipe I created when I first learned about, and enjoyed a raw food diet. That was 32 years ago! I remember I was craving something rich, decadent and sweet. I had always loved French Toast, so it inspired this recipe. It remains a super treat, and lucky us, they still make this delicious and healthy Mana Bread. Use carrot/raisin and/or multi grain for this recipe. Great for a holiday breakfast and/or afternoon lunch, whenever!


Mana Bread * Macadamia Nuts * Maple Syrup * Berries or Cheries


For Mac Nut Cheese, soak a desired amount of Macadamia nuts for a few hours (until fully soaked) . Once they are soaked, drain the water and rinse. Place the nuts in a food processor and blend until they are almost smooth or desired consistency. Add a little water or mac nut oil if it is needed to liquify a bit. A blender may be used as well.

Slice desired pieces of Mana Bread, about 1/2 in thick, and toast until they are sort of crispy on both sides.

Serve warm. Top the toasts with the Mac Nut Cheese, drizzle maple syrup and the berries of choice. Sprinkle a little salt if needed, or add a pinch to the nuts when blending.

Good served with fresh mint leaves.


Making Every Bite Count, Chef Teton

