Blog & Recipes — Susan Teton



Are Parasites Taking Your Life Force?

This story ends well but it has not been fun. Did you know that “those who know” say 85 to 95% of people have parasites? Did you also know that parasites could be responsible for your digestives problems, your energy drop, sleepless nights, troubled skin, mental decline, and your bad mood? This is my story and I am sharing it with you because I would never have thought that my symptoms were that of a person with parasites, and I am a person that knows a lot about health. I am guessing it might be the same for you. I don’t want you to do what I did, which is spend a lot of time, energy, money and emotional trauma on trying to fix the problems I was having without ever knowing there was an underlying reason for my yo yo energy, adrenal fatigue, weakened nervous system, and a mind that could hardly hold a thought. So, let me shine the light of awareness on these nasty little parasites.

Some of you may have read a Blog post I wrote about my physical breakdown on Easter Sunday. Upon sending it out, one of my readers responded by telling me that my symptoms were exactly that of parasites. Who would have known? Not me, for sure. I did not want to have parasites. YUK. But, upon careful reflection I looked back over the last year or two and could see the pattern that kept repeating itself. The fatigue would come out of nowhere, and the shingles virus, although mild, finally got me. Fabulous digestion would turn to not so fabulous digestion and then fabulous again. To top it off, the skin on my hands began to have this eczema that would come and go. Over time it came more than it went.  My diet was supreme, and I tried everything I could think of to tweak it. I definitely had great days and kept going strong despite my interruptions. But, over time, the go down days were coming more often until I finally went down hard. My physician ran every medical test available. They told me I was as healthy as a horse. Never in a million years did I ever suspect parasites.

Looking Back

About six years ago I did a dramatic cleanse – 14 days no food and 10 colonics. I guess I thought I was good to go for the rest of my life. Shortsighted me. 

Upon my readers suggestion I sought out a doc and got a stool test. Yup, parasites. I was told it was Toxoplasmosis, which is a parasite that people get from cats. I thought back wondering where the heck I would get these little buggers because I don’t have cats. But, then I remembered.  Shortly after my cleanse, I took in a cat that lived on the property, but was now abandoned. After a few weeks of begging – with loud persistent meow’s at my door, I let him in. I held out because I have always been allergic to cats. But, he was a handsome fella with the name of Cary, like in Cary Grant. I took him to the vet, got the medication that people get for cats, and some homeopathic remedy to help me get over the allergies. I was proud of myself that I did this. No more allergic reaction to cats. I would let him sit on my chest while I loved him up big time. We were both in heaven. But, Cary did not stay in my life for long. When I went to CA, I was gone for about 6 weeks. When I returned Cary was so mad at me that he would not let me get near him. Feeling abandoned, he hooked up with another neighbor who was now caring for him and loving him up.

Looking back for more answers, another blast of memory entered my soggy brain. I remembered the morning the red rash started. I woke up with the red itchy bumps on my hands and chest on the very day I was going to fly to CA to help take care of my Mom. That was about four years ago. The stress of back and forth flights, caring for Mom and all the other stuff that happens when living a life was what I attributed my problems to. It is called ‘stress’. I am sure it played a part.

Getting Treatment

In any event, the story gets more complex because I went to two different doctors for the parasites. One prescribed a pharmaceutical and the other a digestive enzyme that digests protein (parasites) if taken on an empty stomach. The pharmaceutical made me so ill that I felt like a chemo patient. The digestive enzyme also had die off symptoms, but not nearly as bad. Slightly embarrassed at my lack in good judgment (not a good idea to do both remedies) I hung my head and told my favorite doctor what I had done and vowed to stay on the path he put me on without interference. His treatment plan is longer and slower and much more gentle. I was just in a silly hurry to get rid of these pests. They had taken my life force for long enough.

As for my diet, I quit all sugar and alcohol, not that I ate or drank that much of either. I did start to notice that if I had a glass of wine I would feel very sick the next day. Surely, I thought, I can’t be that sensitive. But, I was. I began to track how I felt with everything I ate. With fight still left in me, it was easy to stay away from anything that these creepy parasites love. They love sugar. I was seriously creeped out by the whole thing.

I am now about 6 weeks into a 3-month parasite cleanse process. I am starting to feel like a different person. The die off caused a lot of headaches and some constipation. My treatment included a few colonics, and a very clean diet, chlorophyll and naps.  I am so happy to be over the hump. I can breathe well now, the headaches are lessening, my mind is back (Thank God), and my stable energy has been restored. I have most of my life force back.

Another thing worth mentioning is that I had gone to my Naturopath a few times before I found out about the parasites. Yes, I did have adrenal fatigue, and we treated that. But, we never really uncovered the reason for the adrenal fatigue. I chalked it off to stress. Yes, I had stress all right – something was taking my life force. I mention this because you may be dealing with a symptom as well that you have tried to treat over and over again with little success. Check out to see if parasites are to blame.

My Recommendation

Get a stool test. You will most likely have to pay for it. They run from around $300 and higher depending on who the practitioner is that is ordering it. You can also go to a good Kinesiologist, or a practitioner that is skilled in biofeedback techniques. Even though you might think that a stool test is the only and best way, there are those that say that the parasites will often hide. They are quite intelligent. Get tested.

Parasite cleanses and colon cleanses are a must a couple times a year. Many people do this as a practice for maintenance, without ever being tested. They can be simple and easy. It is much worse to let them go, or get to the point that you have symptoms. They are much harder to get rid of when they are heavily populated. Most local health food stores have great cleanses, as do most health practitioners. The only stool test done in the medical fields are stool tests for blood, which denotes possible cancer in the colon. This is why you will have to pay for it out of your own pocket. The fee is usually a lab fee with a consulting fee for diagnosis and treatment.  If you don’t want to go for a test, then do a cleanse anyway. It is good to start with a colon cleanse followed by a parasite cleanse.



Shortness of breath


Extreme Fatigue



Your Diet

I recently put out a survey to find out where people were with their health and diet. The results were fairly even across the board for the following problems: energy, digestive issues, confusion about diet, weight loss, and sugar cravings. For this reason, and because of what I just went through, I realized that SUGAR could be the primary culprit causing ill health, and is the place to start. No matter what is going on with you, and no matter what diet you choose, SUGAR is the thing that has to go. Everyone agrees on this, and the proof is in the pudding (sugar free that is). People who get off sugar have better healthier lives. For this reason, I just produced a short 3 part series on “How To Stop Sugar Cravings AND Why You Must.” This is a free series. You will receive an email shortly when the series is released next Monday.

What kind of sugar are we talking about? We are talking refined sugar along with chemicals. White flour should be tossed as well. For instance, a sugar free donut with a bunch of flour and bad fats is still a poor choice.  Fresh fruit, in moderation, is fine depending on what your triggers are. Once most people that have a sugar problem are off all sugars then they can add back in some fruits and low glycemic syrups and foods as they learn about their own body.  You will get some ideas in the series. Do what you need to do to get of sugar and processed foods.  This is my suggestion as the place to start with whatever diet you choose or that you are currently on.

Please let me know if I can help you further. For a 20 minute complimentary consultation, Click HERE, and schedule a time that works for you. I look forward to hearing from you!

Sugar Free Brownies: Try my new recipe HERE.


Aloha, Susan Teton









Sugar & Gluten Free Brownies

These brownies can be made a couple of ways. They were designed for my 3-Part Video Series titled: How To Stop Sugar Cravings & Why You Must.  This series is just a short version of some strategies on how to quit sugar and rid yourself of sugar cravings - forever!

Give these brownies a try. I found them to be very hearty and great for a travel snack or afternoon pick up!  Since they be made with eggs or flax meal they are good for vegans or Paleo's. 

Here is the recipe:

1/2 cup almond meal

1/4 cup coconut flour

3 eggs - or 6 tbsp flax meal (soaked in 1/2 cup water)

2 tbsp unsweetened cacao powder

1 cup coconut oil (melted) Barlean's Coconut Culinary Oil is also good.

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 cup melted unsweetened chocolate (or 1/2 cup more of cacao powder). If you use the chocolate the brownies will come out more moist. You can also use 85% dark chocolate.

1 tbsp Singing Dog Vanilla

2 tbsp Xylotol or powdered Stevia. Careful here to get the sweetness you like. Remember that when you bake them they will come out slightly less sweet than what they taste like before baking. You can also add a little rice syrup or coconut syrup for more sweetness, flavor and moisture.

1/2 cup walnuts


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Cover glass pan with baking paper or coconut oil and a little coconut flour.

Whsk together the eggs or flax, melted coconut oil (not hot), vanilla, sweetening powder, cocoa powder, and baking soda.

Stir in melted chocolate

Combine in the almond meal, coconut flour and nuts (sugar free cocoa nibs or chocolate chips)

Bake for about 20 minutes until the toothpick comes out clean. Don't overcook or they will dry out. Cool and enjoy.

These are hearty and great for an afternoon snack!





The 2017 Food Revolution Summit - Get it NOW

Check out this powerful summit HERE.  This summit will provide you everything you need to know about the dreadful situation around our food supply, and everything you need to know to protect yourself, become involved, and get healthy. You will not find a more powerful, comprehensive education anywhere else. It is brought to you by John and Ocean Robbins. If you missed it, purchase the transcripts and audio interviews. Your life depends on it. This may sound dramatic, and it should, because it is. Many do not realize that most fatal diseases, emotional problems, dementia, and depression (to name a few) have a great deal to do with what you eat and how our food is grown. Now is the time to take advantage of this opportunity to empower and protect you with the knowledge that you must have. Go HERE NOW. 

The summit just ended, but you can still get the transcripts at an affordable price. By the way, my Raw Food Basics Course is offered as a bonus. Do it!

*** Want to learn more about how I went to work with John Robbin's to head up a program to get healthier food in schools? Read an except HERE from my new book, "Eating As A Spiritual Practice" that tells the magical story.





How I Magically Went To Work With John Robbins & EarthSave International

Many of you may know that my professional foodie career started in 1992 when I went to work with John Robbins (author of Diet For A New America), and now the founder of The Food Revolution Network. I worked with John and a great team during the 90's to direct the Healthy School Lunch Program for EarthSave International. The coolest thing about my work with EarthSave was how it came to be. In my new book, Eating As A Spiritual Practice, I tell my story about my work in schools, along with all the other challenges that go along with a dynamic life. Since the Food Revolution just finished another fabulous summit, I thought I would share with you the part of my story of how I magically landed in a job I had been dreaming about for years. It may leave you wholeheartedly believing in the law of attraction. Enjoy!

This story picks up at the end of my first Rainbow Gathering - 1992. Todd was my good friend that turned into my partner and co-director of the Healthy School Lunch Program with me. 

Changing Me and My Life Forever

The Rainbow Gathering was full of challenging surprises and gifts: rainy cold weather, new friends, drumming circles, walks in the night, cooking outdoors, and beautiful lovemaking. Todd and I were together constantly, discovering what it was like to love your best friend. We had so much in common, sharing a deep love for the Earth, the Black Hills, our friends, and the camaraderie that flourished as we built, played, and worked together as a tribe in the forest. Living in the forest was another lesson. Each night, while driving down the dirt road to our tent, a white owl flew across our path, signifying to us that we were breaking the veil of illusion that pervaded our prior understanding and reuniting with the natural world and its order.

After seven days, the gathering was coming to an end. Todd and I left the Black Hills, our new buddies, and campsite to spend a few days adventuring together through the reservations, teaching what we could about “food as medicine.” We laughed, dreamed, and visioned. Then we decided to “impulse” for a couple of days throughout the Bad Lands. “Impulsing” was the term we used when we would let our spirits live in the moment and see where our unseen selves would take us.We were falling in love. The euphoria of our feelings grew deeper in me by the day, building by the moment. Aligning with Todd’s integrity, purpose, and passion had planted a seed in me that was more than gratifying. It permeated my entire being with an emotion that reached far beyond my mortal self, as I knew me. It was so comfortable and seemed mutually enhancing, as parts of me awakened while other parts died. Even though we were fifteen years apart in age, we were like teenagers, loving with total abandonment, no boundaries, no fear, and free to adventure into the unknown with authentic trust. His youthfulness inspired an aliveness and playfulness in me that had lain dormant for years, and my wisdom and experience in the world satisfied his hunger for knowledge and maturity. We met each other somewhere in the middle, creating a powerful synergy. We experienced the finest kind of intimacy, beginning with the mind, traveling through the core of our bodies, and reaching our hearts with an explosion. It’s the kind of love that cannot be felt by one alone, it comes only from two.

Journeying with Buffalo Medicine

Late one afternoon, we ventured into Bad Lands National Park in South Dakota, driving all the way down to the end of the park, where a small camping area awaited us. It was about 5 p.m., when the sun and moon began dancing together as their light intertwined. Acting like rebels and wanting to be alone, we sneaked past the small camp area, carrying our tent and gear down into the ravine along the river, where the large cottonwoods provided shade, privacy, and beauty. We hustled to set up our tent and get back up to the top of the mountain crest where a golden grass trail awaited visitors.

A handful of people walked in silence along the top of a knoll. Free from trees, a wide and expansive view of the canyons surrounded us and enlivened all our senses. The serene beauty called for nothing more than visceral submersion. Excitedly, little squirrels and marmots poked their heads out of the earth to get a glimpse as well. We found a place and sat for a while, with our dinner of nuts, seeds, and dried and fresh fruits. Backpacking and camping calls for such simplicity. I had never felt so nourished and whole.

Later, as the sun set and the moon rose, we got into the car with a plan to find a cool place in the park where we could play and dream for hours into the night. We ventured off the main road, onto a little dirt road that beckoned us. With the moonlight as our guide, we parked and hiked out onto a high knoll that reached deep into the canyon. With blankets, water, and a little tequila, we settled in for the evening, talking, loving, and visioning for what seemed like hours. We were definitely in our own world.

Feeling quit serious and passionate about reversing the rising epidemic of diseases throughout the Native American culture, and feeling empowered by our knowledge, Todd and I asked ourselves, “If we were to dedicate our lives to help shift this situation, what would be the single most powerful thing we could do to make a difference?” The government not only subsidizes our nation’s Native American reservations, but also our National School Lunch Program (NSLP). These programs share another similarity: They are both equally ineffective. While not naïve enough to think the NSLP was solely to blame for the escalating problems our school-aged children were facing, Todd and I acknowledged that our children receive the majority of their nutrition education in our public schools, along with meals that are incongruent with that education and their lifestyles. “This has just got to change,” we claimed with naïve inspiration.

As the health of our nation’s children rapidly declines (with diseases like diabetes, obesity, and ADHD), fast food has replaced cafeterias in about 30 percent of our nation’s schools! Our students are offered an arsenal of cheap and readily available junk foods within their own schools’ walls, all for the quick and easy taking. While we thought it disgusting, others thought it was great.

That night in the Bad Lands of South Dakota, out on the top of a canyon knoll, under the light of the full moon, Todd and I made a pact to dedicate the next phase of our lives to heralding a new message of diet and nutrition in our schools to change meal offerings. With passion, conviction, naiveté, and laughter over the daunting task, we said, “Let’s revolutionize the National School Lunch Program.” And, with that, we shook on it like two kids on a secret escapade with the breath of the mountain beneath us. You know what they say—“where two or more are gathered”—even if they are a little tipsy on tequila.

As the moon moved across the sky toward the end of its nighttime journey, we packed up and walked to the car to drive the dirt road back to our tent. Suddenly, we spotted a buffalo, lingering on the side of the road. Stopping with ease and tenderness, we got out of the car and Todd played a song on the flute; then we sat quietly with him for a while. He seemed to enjoy our company.

Later, about 4 a.m., back at the tent while getting ready to sleep, we heard a loud rustling in the bushes. Todd said, “Quick, turn off the lantern.” With our tent black, Todd peeked through the sides, then turned to me in a whisper, “It’s the buffalo, and he is not alone.” Several buffalo circled our tent and proceeded to lie down around us. For the rest of the dark night, we slept and dreamed to the rhythm of the buffalo, who were breathing deeply in slumber with us.

When we woke up, they were gone, but the grass from their earthly beds still lay flat with the warmth and essence of their bodies.This experience of profound connection to the animal kingdom signaled to us that we were on the right path with our vision and intentions. Already unstoppable, we felt even more fueled by the buffalo’s medicine of strength. We were humbled and our commitment was imbued with deep conviction. We sat by the river, the sun sparkling on the water as we cast a sunrise prayer for guidance. We bathed, ate breakfast, packed our tent, and headed back to our camp and straight into our vision.

Within two days, I was scheduled to fly back to work at the spa. I felt ready since I don’t think I could have processed much more than what had already transpired. Again, I was, as Abraham (Esther Hicks) would say, “tuned in, tapped in, turned on.” Love that feeling. I believe now that if you truly surrender long enough, you will make enough space for the magic to seep into your life. Wide open trust must accompany surrender.

Synchronicity and Becoming Aligned

Two days later, I flew back to New York to return to my job at the spa. Todd remained in the Black Hills for a few days and was then on his way to Arizona. It was 7 a.m. as I drove up the long driveway, and 8 a.m. by the time I entered my office. With my handbag still on my shoulder, I answered the persistent phone. My friend from Los Angeles, Claire Townsend, said, “Hi, Susan. I don’t know if you know it or not, but I sit on the board of EarthSave International, the organization founded by John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America.”

Claire was one of my most treasured friends from my days in the film industry. Mutual friends had hooked us up, knowing we would connect because of our shared passions. However, I had not spoken to Claire since I had moved to New York. She went on, “Do you know of EarthSave?” I exclaimed, “Yes, yes, I have been handing out their materials all over the Black Hills of South Dakota!” Claire continued, “We have been looking for someone to head up a program to get healthier food into schools, and we haven’t been able to find the right person. While I was meditating on finding someone, your name kept popping into my head. Would this interest you at all?” I exploded with excitement!

Several months earlier, I had purchased a plane ticket to California. Whether mere coincidence or serendipity, the ticket shared the exact dates that EarthSave would hold its next board meeting. Both Todd and I arrived, met John Robbins and his staff, and immediately joined them as the co-directors of the Healthy School Lunch Program. We could barely believe it.

The Dawning of a New Life

For the next several years, I inhabited a world previously foreign to me and extremely humbling. I was naïve and quite idealistic before starting my new job (and even several years into it). Unfortunately, there were problems looming within our food system beyond the fast-food burger. Although we made great changes in the schools where we worked, school food systems worsened overall, and the epidemic of youth-related diseases continued to escalate to alarming proportions.

I learned from experience that most people know what healthy food is, and they know that junk food is junk. But many do not realize just how profoundly their junky food choices affect their health and the health of our youth. They are confused about dietary choices and simply lack the skills, the time, or the resources to prepare their own nourishing food. If we were to put our focus on growing our own “human garden,” we would make great strides in healing our communities, our eco-systems, and ourselves. Our children are the seeds of our future. We, their parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, must become model stewards, for our own sake, so we can lead them toward the way of wellness, connection, and excellence.


Want to know more? Pre-order the book HERE with a worthy BONUS (my course on how to make easy and delicious veggies with herbs and spices (currently call "Healing Foods Ayurvedic")


