Blog & Recipes — Susan Teton



Coconut Butter Coffee - Instead of Cream!

Yes, this is certainly an odd photo. It might even seem like an odd idea, or even an odd recipe. But, I assure you, it is delicious, and it is my new way to drink coffee and/or tea. Brew up your favorite cup of Mate,  Organic Cafe, or black or herbal tea. Instead of cream, pour a little (1/2 tsp or more) coconut oil in the brew and sip away. The benefits are many. First, we all love a little fat in our coffee or tea. This is the way these beverages have been enjoyed for years. As a matter of fact, Yak tea is full of high fat butter, but not the butter most readily available in the US. Grass fed butter is the way to go. And, the good news for us is that this really makes the tea or coffee taste amazing without the side effects of a low quality dairy product such as pasteurized cream.

There is more. Did you know that this way of drinking a caffeine beverage, such as coffee and tea, is the way that it enters your body and sustains a good mental outlook on life, energy for the day's focus and blessings for a high quality joyous mood? Could it be that simple?  Oh yea, I think so.

Here is what you do: Blend unsalted grass-fed butter into your coffee, about 1 tsp to start. Yes, butter and/or little coconut oil too (if you are using coconut oil, use Barlean's. It is the very best and will never have that soapy taste that lower grade coconut oils will have-Purchase it here). Grass fed butter has all the benefits of healthy milk fat with none of the damaging denatured casein proteins that are found in cream. And, the properties in coconut oil are many including weight loss. The mixture makes for the creamiest, most satisfying cup of coffee I have ever had. It keeps me satisfied without jacking me up and letting me down.

I am also a Mate lover, so now, I enjoy my Mate with 1/2 tsp of coconut oil. I love it this way, and now find no reason to sweeten any of these beverage, whereas before I was always wanting it sweet.

Truthfully, I have never been able to enjoy coffee for more than a few days. It just wires me out. But, since I discovered the concepts of Yak tea, I have been trying it on and off with varying amounts of either Raw Grass Fed Butter or Coconut Oil. It seems the more fat I put in it, the better it works and sustains my mood, mental clarity and body. I will keep the experiment up and share as I go along.

Next time I am out and am served coffee, I will have to say, "pass the butter or pass the coconut oil please" (salt free of course)"



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Sesame Seeds, Sacred Clay & Kefir

Good morning Susan,

I purchased your online series as a supplement to the DVDs which I already have and I have some comments, suggestions, questions. I have progressed a lot with my diet since I bought your DVD's which I watched but wasn't ready to embrace at the time so I am going through your online course with joy and appreciation.

My internet connection is painfully slow so its hard to watch the videos online. Please can you let me know if they are identical to the DVD's or if there is any added material and if so what. I hadn't thought to grind the sesame seeds that is a great idea - how long can I store them for before the oils go off or they oxidize? Can you get raw milk on Maui? I have heard that it is very expensive. I bloat if I make Kefir with milk and what you said about the enzymes in raw milk to help digestion makes sense. I would like to try that. I manage by combining milk with cream to make kefir but it really makes me put on weight. Maybe I don't digest fat too well. A great tip I got from Jack La Lanne is to rinse a thermos flask out so that it is wet inside and put it in the freezer overnight. Use it the next day to put your vegie juice in and it will keep fresh much longer. Some recipes call for juicing herbs but they just slip through the juicer when I do it so I have given up. do you have any suggestions.? I am working on supplementing my diet with herb teas for calcium, iron etc and using a dandelion chai instead of coffee which I like a little too much. Playing with teas is fun and a good way to keep hydrated when water isn't appealing. I am also experimenting with tips that I get passed onto me from David Wolfe who is such an innovator. One of them is using clay in various forms to absorb the toxins in our system because it attracts the positively charged irons in toxins. If you are interested I can forward you the emails with the information.

You are an inspiration, I wish I could come to your Saturday workshop but I am working. Thank you so much. I love your lightness and joy. Aloha, Rosy.

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Live Fermentation Class: Cultured Veggies, Coconut Kefir & More

Come Learn to Make the Most Powerful Foods on the Planet!

A "luncheon" Fermentation Class with Chef Teton! 

Probiotic Rich Foods for:

Great Digestion * Flexible Joints * Radiant Skin * Immune Building

Plus Fabulous Tastes & Textures to any meal!

Cultured Veggies, Coconut Kefir, Coconut Yogurt, 

Beet Kvass, & Ogi (fermented millet).

Let's Get Cultured! 

Chef Teton's Fermentation Class -  Sept 22nd - 11 to 5 Waiehu Beach

Come learn how to make easy and affordable foods brimming with probiotic bacteria. The foods we will make are staples where people live to be a healthy 100 years old. Enhance your digestion, and enhance your life!

Together we will make these powerful foods!

1. Culture/Ferment Vegetables (think Sauerkraut)

2. Ferment fresh Coconut milk into Kefir

3. Ferment fresh Coconut meat into yogurt pudding

4. Ferment Beet for Beet Kvass (delicious probiotic beverage)

5. Make Ogi, fermented millet grain (a staple of Africa, delicious for cereal) porridge.

We will eat like Royalty with a Raw Lunch, and everyone will go home with a jar of Beet Kvass and their own Cultured Veggies!

Class will be held at a beautiful estate on the ocean front in Waiehu. 

 Cost: $87.50 plus $15.00 for food

Space is limited. Call now for reservation. Payment in full needed to hold your space.  All credit cards accepted.

Read about the power of Cultured Veggies - Why they are a must in your diet!

Learn more on this video clip of my DVD on Cultured Foods

Call: 808-250-1535 to reserve your spot!

For more information click





Fermenting Class - Cultured Veggies, Coconut Kefir & Ogi

Let's Get Cultured!  Chef Teton’s Fermentation Class -  Sept 22nd – 11 to 5 Waiehu Beach

Come learn how to make easy and affordable foods brimming with probiotic bacteria. The foods we will make are staples where people live to be a healthy 100 years old. Enhance your digestion, and enhance your life!

Together we will make these powerful foods!


1. Culture/Ferment Vegetables (think Sauerkraut)

2. Ferment fresh Coconut milk into Kefir

3. Ferment fresh Coconut meat into yogurt pudding

4. Ferment Beet for Beet Kvass (delicious probiotic beverage)

5. Make Ogi, fermented millet grain (a staple of Africa, delicious for cereal) porridge.


We will eat like Royalty with a Raw Lunch, and everyone will go home with a jar of Beet Kvass and their own Cultured Veggies!

 Cost: $87.50 plus $15.00 for food

 Space is limited. Call now for reservation. Payment in full needed to hold your space. All credit cards accepted.

Learn more on this video clip of my DVD on Cultured Foods!

Call: 808-250-1535 to reserve your spot!




