Blog & Recipes — Susan Teton

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cranberry cultured vegetables



Cranberry Cultured Veggies

Cranberry Cultured Veggies


4 cabbages (about 30 cups)

4 cups onions

1 cup grated ginger

1 cup chopped and seeded jalapeno

½ cup chopped mint leaves

2 tbsp. cinnamon

¼ cup salt (or salt to taste)


Cranberry Sauce


4 cups fresh cranberry

1-cup sugar

1 ¼ cup water

Rind of one orange

4-5 drops of doTerra Essential Oil – Wild Orange (optional)

(optional: chunk of ginger)

Directions: Cranberry Sauce

Put all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool.  You can also use raw cranberries, and a smaller amount of sugar in the cultured veggie mixture. I use cooked cranberry sauce because the finished fermentation is slightly sweeter, which is a yummy way to serve it with a traditional thanksgiving dinner.  It also ferments within about 5 days.


Directions for Cultured Veggies

Wash outer leaves of cabbages and save the outer leaves to build a canopy later for harvest (see below).

Wash and process all of the ingredients and combine into a fermentation jar, glass bowl or bucket.

Place the outer leaves from the canopy on top of the mixture. Make sure the mixture is completely covered. Then place a plate on top and a rock or weight. If you are using a rock, make sure you boil it first for about 6 minutes. Cover mixture with a lid or cloth and let site for several days.  If you want some great visual instructions on how to make cultured veggies, check out my course on “Cultured Veggies” HERE. You can view it online instantly.

When the fermentation is complete, place the veggies in jars, secure lids, and refrigerate.


