Blog & Recipes — Susan Teton

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fermented millet



Fermented Millet, Vegetables & Coconut! Wow

This is the breakfast, lunch or dinner fit for Queens and Kings! Wow! That beautiful porridge is Ogi, fermented millet. After a couple days of fermentation I warmed it and added some raisins and a little coconut oil. Then I topped it with walnuts and added some cultured veggies and coconut yogurt to make a fully fermented meal. Ahhhhhhh, this went down with such ease, and trust me. It is so tasty. Ogi is a staple food in Africa. It is known as Uji in East Africa and Ogi in parts of West Africa. Fermented cereals take grains to another level of powerful nourishment. They are particularly important as weaning foods for infants and as dietary staples for adults. I like serving it sort of thick for a full meal or as an addition to a heavier dinner.

Here is how you make Ogi:

Coarsely grind 2 cups of millet. I used my Vita Mix. A quick whirl and I had a nice coarse grind.

Soak the millet mixture in about 4 cups of water for a minimum of 24 hours. Cover with a towel so the mixture can breathe. How easy it that? The mixture can be soaked longer, up to one week. The longer it soaks the more sour the taste gets. I like to ferment a batch and begin using after the first day, and then a little at a time, each day removing and enjoying more.

Here is what it looked like as it was fermenting. I have to say that the first time I made Ogi I was a little scared to taste it. It was bubbling and had a rather unusual smell. When I removed some and put it on the stop top to warm I had to add some water as it became thick quite easily. Once I achieved my desired consistency I added some raisins. Sometimes I enjoy it with more savory flavors such as cumin, coriander and/or fennel. Salt is always good as is some butter, coconut or flax oil. Get creative with it as it is a wonderful food. The taste may acquire some getting used to. I have grown to love it! It is a fabulous food for your digestion, moving things along powerfully.

The cultured fermented vegetables you see on the plate is red because it was made with red and green cabbage combined with Maui onions. The coconut yogurt, as I call it, was made fresh coconut meat fermented with fresh coconut Kefir water. Lucky me lives in the tropics where coconuts are abundant. Coconut Kefir water and coconut yogurt meat are always in my fridge. I use Kefir starter from Wilderness Family Naturals to ferment the water. It is the best I have found. Enjoy!

