What are you seeking? Do you want to be joyful and blissful, radiant and vibrant, full of life and energy, feisty and sassy, flexible and strong, engaged, and fully present in life? Do you want to regain your figure and your looks and be totally in tune with your body again? Do you want people to continue to be totally shocked when you reveal your age? Are you on medication and desire to be free of all that? Do you want to know that if you fall, you can get back up? Do you want to maintain a multidimensional bright brain and a sharp wit? Do you long to feel more connected to your world and live your life with meaning? Would you love more creativity in your life and more fulfilling sensual experiences? Do you want people to look at you and say, “I want what she’s got!”?
You’re not alone. These intentions were shared with me recently by one of my clients. I completely related to her because I, too, have been in those shoes. I’ve answered each of these questions at one time or another with a resounding and often difficult, “yes.” During my life, I’ve experienced a whole spectrum of setbacks and suffering, from worrying about the health of my son to the frustrations and accomplishments that evolved around the important changes I wanted to affect in the world. All of this finally led me to the freedom, comfort and joy revealed in a simple and deeply spiritual solution which calls for divine stewardship.
This life is a gift. And your body is the vessel that allows you to experience all the pleasures of life and to realize your dreams, fulfill your calling and grow into your highest self. A body out of balance, however, keeps you dull and unable to tune into your higher self. Addictions, cravings, doubts, sedentary lifestyle, and distorted thinking, all contribute to the roots of disease. When the body and mind are out of alignment so is the soul. At 70 years old, (hard for me to believe) my relentless pursuit for a healthy body, mind and soul has brought me here. I want to share what I have learned.
Here are the "Five a Day" areas I address in my teaching and mentoring:
Food: At its root, I designed Essential Cuisine, a practice to awaken and dazzle the senses by providing people with foods the body loves and the palate craves: delicious pure, organic, natural whole foods. Read more........
Mind & Stinking Thinking: You can’t be creative and inventive if your mind is foggy and you’re lethargic. You can’t tune into your intuition and grow spiritually when you’re weak and over medicated. Do you know better but don't do better? What we think matters. Fear, doubt and worry do not belong in wellness. Read more......
Movement: As a certified Yoga teacher, I’ll share simple techniques to renew your breath, create flexibility and strengthen your spine to help you stand upright as you age. Use it or loose it. A healthy spine is paramount. You must start now to create a spine that lasts for a lifetime. Read more....
Earth: As an author and environmentalist with vast experience working with the top health and environmental professionals in the country, I have come to understand what it takes to keep us in alignment with the Earth and her living systems. Today, more than ever, environmental issues must be considered in our health and wellness practice. Understanding the dynamics and laws of the universe are key in providing the support and knowledge you need to become the steward you are meant to be. Read more......
Spirit: In my Soulful Living & Essential Cuisine practice I will help you realize how eating and living well are a spiritual practice. Our interconnection is clear in these reciprocal relationships that begin with self care. Read more......
My multidimensional program of self stewardship and spiritual awakening focuses on alignment as the seed to a greater understanding of ourselves, our interconnectedness with each other, and the reciprocal relationship between healthy food, healthy body, healthy mind, healthy people, healthy planet.
Want to chat? Find out more? I would be thrilled to offer you a 30 minute - complimentary, no obligation consultation. Just email me at: Susan@ChefTeton with your contact info, time zone and a good time for us to talk. Or call: 808-250-1535 (Hawaii). As you may note I have many cooking courses, plus offer coaching. Want to know what is right for you? Let's explore together. I look forward to hearing from you. Let's plant some seeds now so you can experience healthy soulful living soon!
As Seen In:
“I finally came to a place of looking at my body and the way I do things differently. Once seeing things through new ideas I began to learn and take action effortlessly. I can’t thank you enough for providing with me so much wisdom, knowledge, and skills. We had fun too, and that makes everything so easy. Thank you again.”
“ I heard you speak at the American Cancer Society conference. Thank you for opening my eyes and heart to the value of self-care. I have read so many nutrition books and listened to many doctors. It was you that gave me to the motivation of purpose to what I am calling, “my next new life”. Keep up the great work.”
“Your coaching series is exactly what I’ve been looking for, and it is so much more than what I ever expected to find. It’s vibrant, it’s exciting, it’s real, and it’s full of tricks and tips to decrease the learning curve. After just the first DVD, I was experimenting in the kitchen again, and loving every minute of it! Thank you for all your hard work. This series will change the health of America, one mouthful at a time.”
Get in Touch
I am thrilled to offer you a no obligation 30 to 60-minute complimentary health, wellness, and nutrition coaching session by phone, by skype or in person (on Maui). Message me with your name and time zone, and I will contact you to schedule a call.