3 Holiday Gifts for YOU

1) Profound Stewardship
It has been an absolute pleasure helping people from all over the world eat better. It is thrilling for me to receive your notes, ideas, questions and thoughtful comments. Thank you. Since my body has been my own laboratory I continue to learn. I too have health issues that crop up now and then, some cravings along with lifestyle and scheduling challenges, and probably some core beliefs that effect me unknowingly in some way. Since nutrition, bad and good, has affected my life so dramatically I have chosen it as my path of stewardship. Read More.
2) Holiday Special: My 4- Week Dietary Makeover is being offered for the remaining holiday season at the same low price that will last only until January 1, 2013. Make this year the best one ever by becoming impecabble with your diet, and/or give the gift to another. Team up with a friend and go for it. Learn all about this remarkable course that will be yours for one entire year! Read More.
3) Again I want to introduce to you a very special book that might bring you stories and tools to tame that busy mind of yours. In addition to stewarding our bodies, taming out minds must be next. My friend, author Jasmyne Boswell has written a great book with her stories and wisdom. For only $9.95 you can purchase her book, "What if the Problem is Not the Problem, 4 Practices for Peace of Mind", and receive a companion audio meditation, and 17 other free bonus gifts – A spiritual smorgasbord from transformational leaders worth over $500 — gifts that can awaken your spirit, enhance your sexuality, recipes of dynamic foods, music for heart opening, transformational exercises, inspiring stories, including my e-book as a bonus from myself! Order Here!
Recipes Ideas for the Holidays from my Blog:
Kale Chips:Perfect for traveling or gifts. Make them in your dehydrator or oven. Store in glass jars for freshness. Tie a ribbon around the jar and you have a lovely simple gift. Or, take the on a plane or day out shopping. These salty yummies will satisfy you and people love to receive them.Oatmeal Date Apple Cookies: Ohhhhh, these are so good. They make such a great gift and are good for pak and go too. I don't know about you, but when I am out and want something sweet, or am stopping to have coffee or tea with a friend, I am so happy to have a few of these in my bag. Then I don't have to give into a gluten laden "less than excellent" hearty treat.
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds in Coconut Oil: There is not a soul I make these for that does not "ooooh and ahhhh" over them. They are so simple, great for gifts filled in a mason jar, yummy on salads and super for pak and go. Use Barlean's coconut oil and celtic sea salt for perfection of flavors.
Blessings to all, Chef Teton