High Protein “Spicy” Vegan or Vegetarian (Egg) Salad
This is a recipe I pulled out of the fridge when I needed a quick meal full of some protein. I had some Arugula, and I always have carrots. So together they came with a couple boiled eggs and chopped jalapeno. This is a great lunch to prepare for your lunch. Easy! Yum
Serves 1 - Double for 2
2 hard boiled eggs
Grated Carrot (on the small grid - juicer that way)
Chopped Jalapeno (without the seeds)
Chopped Celery & Onion (if you like)
Olive Oil
Vegenaise (or another high quality mayo type condiment - or just olive oil)
1 tbsp Sauerkraut - or any tasty cultured veggies or Kim Chi
And, anything else you might have in thew way of extra veggies in the fridge or spices.
Smush the eggs and add in the mayo, diced jalapeno, Sauerkraut, S&P and maybe a dash of Cayenne.
Grate Carrots, and assemble all in a bowl or layered on top like shown in the picture.
Serve with crackers and/or sea weed wraps!
Want to learn more about high powered diets and recipes for Aging On Purpose. Join me and others in the “40 Day Dietary & Self Care Challenge”. Starts September. Special offer for one week only (starting August 6-13). The first 10 people to register will receive a private consultation with me. This offer is for one week only!
Also, check out my new Blog post introducing my new studio and “Why I Do What I Do”.