Introducing Imi'ola, The True Value of Aging On Purpose — Susan Teton


It seems that my life took this journey through food, health, addiction, and environmentalism for some reason, and now with a spiritual revolution taking place (so to speak), perhaps my story in Eating As A Spiritual Practice will awaken a part of the reader to see how they can combine their spiritual growth and intentions toward their own self care and the shape of a new future. My hope is that learning about Imi'ola will give you a place to plant your intentions.

To start with my favorite things, I want to start with the Gold metal of our mind and our brain. What we think, our beliefs and all the emotional turmoil we experience can often be changed by simply paying attention to our thoughts and what drives our actions - becoming more conscious. But, there is another part of our thinking and our mind that can be nourished and taken care of so we can keep on thinking, learning and communicating as we age. This comes with nourishing our brain in the same way we nourish our bodies. There is the physical brain and then there is our thinking. So often, we cannot steer our thinking more positively if we are suffering from an unhealthy brain. 

Now that we are obtaining wisdom, let's not loose our smarts!  Many of us make fun of and/or laugh at our new found forgetfulness in our aging mind. We will often hear comments such as,  "I had a senior moment", or we laugh about not finding our keys - over and over.  But, it is really no laughing matter because this forgetfulness can escalate. With the loss of adequate nutrition and oxygen to the brain, and the use of pharmaceuticals, Dementia is taking a lead in senior death rates. 

Could it be that a pill will help? I wish. Our brain, just like our muscles, joints and organs needs valuable nutrition, no poisoning, and exercise (oxygen and challenging use). If we keep learning, (the reason for programs such as Luminosity), they say we can build more brains cells. Use it or loose it, as the saying goes. I have found this to be true for me. Because I still work, and was not raised in the tech age, I have had to struggle at times to keep myself current. I am grateful for this because the more I study, the smarter I get - or the less stupid I get. I have taken on learning new systems with this approach, which is a good thing, because at first I resisted it like crazy. Now, I say to myself, "I can learn this". 

All this being said, I did notice that my brain was sinking a bit. My mind and brain used to work faster than most, and I had a memory like an elephant (where on Earth did that saying come from?). Anyway, I noticed I was having a hard time focusing and remembering. Maybe it was that I was just not interested, which was somewhat true at times, but I seriously noted a difference - a decline. Then a miracle came my way. 

EHT, a pill. Yes, a tiny pill. The breakthrough technology of EHT has made a huge significance in my life. I have my smarts back, my quick thinking mind, and even my quick wit has returned, or so I think. Ha! 

I took EHT for about 30 days, not really believing it would make that much difference. As a matter of fact, I was introduced to it a couple years ago, but poopooed it, thinking it was just a pill and it would not make that much difference. Then something happened a couple of months ago, that said, "Do this". And, I did, and I am so happy I did, because all of sudden I noticed how smart I was, how fast I was thinking and how much data I could hold. It was like a veil was lifted. Renewed inspiration was birthed. Our brains/minds are so important, and we can keep them healthy, but I think we need every bit of help we can get in this day and age. There is more info about EHT in the video below, but I must say more first. 

Don't think for a moment that this little pill will take the place of good nutrition. We are learning a lot about brain heath now. Dr. Amen has been a pioneer in this search for keeping us smart. He even endorses EHT, but he also endorses excellent nutrition and staying away from the substances that dumb us down. I am going to speaking more on this in my next post. 

Watch this short video about EHT.

If you want to know more, then schedule a consultation with me, email me or give me a call. I will turn you on to some specifics and then refer you to someone who knows more about the science. There is so much more to this supplement than I can tell you - improved sleep, energy, and mood. I won't be without it!

Aloha, Susan

