This dish was actually my breakfast one morning. Most people don’t think of eating veggies for breakfast, but I often have them and enjoy them immensely. A heavy first meal does not work for my tender digestion, so veggies set me up great for the day.
As you can see this tantalizing dish contains a variety of veggies. When you have a variety of small amounts of left over veggies, that is the perfect time to steam them all together. Or, you could be more intentional and buy a few of your favorites, then rustle up different combinations for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
My favorite topping is simple:
Ground sesame seeds, Barlean’s High Lignan flax oil, and Celtic Sea Salt.
If you don’t have sesame seeds or flax oil, drizzle a little olive oil on top, or pasture butter. Trust me, you will love it! Don’t forget your cultured vegetables!

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