Delicious, Flourless and Gluten Free, Quinoa Pancakes — Susan Teton

These pancakes began their creative journey the night before I made them. I was working late and got really hungry. Too late to eat yet another meal, I settled for a half of a papaya before I went to bed, but that is when I started dreaming of pancakes. Pancakes are a little heavy for me in the morning unless I am in real need of a bigger more satisfying meal. So, as the dream continued my mind started to think about the ingredients I already had on hand. We had Quinoa for dinner and there was quite a lot left over, stored in jars in the fridge. So, I thought, how about a quinoa base with some almond meal and eggs? Then I remembered that I had whipped up some sesame milk that day. I think this will work, I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep with hunger anticipating my morning treat.

Once in the kitchen the next morning I began to salivate with the idea of manifesting my dream. What you see below is what started coming out of the fridge and the pantry. It was a quick recipe since the Quinoa and sesame milk was already made.  When my assistant arrived there was a hot pile of cakes for her to photograph and dive into. They made her day and I got big points!  By the way, the cardamon and cinnamon really top these cakes off to something special.

So, here is another version of yummy flourless - gluten free pancakes. I think this is my favorite.

3 eggs or Vegan style: 3 tbsp of flax meal (Or Barlean's mix of Flax, Chia and Coconut)
½ cup almond flour
½ cup cooked quinoa
1/3 cup sesame milk (almond, coconut, hemp or another milk will do)
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp Sunflower Lethicin (optional)
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 cup fresh or frozen cherries, blueberries, or a berry mixture.

As you like:

Salt (on top after being cooked - see below)
Cooking oil (coconut) - Barlean's Culinary Oil is one of the best oils to cook with. It makes everything taste so good and just has the perfect consistency for frying pancakes, tortillas, or anything. It is great for baking too. Seriously, it worth using.


Start with cracking 3 eggs into a bowl and whisk thoroughly. If you are making the cakes vegan style, soak the flax seeds (ground up a little) in 1/2 cup of water. Let them sit for about 10-15 minutes until they gel together. Add water to give them the consistency of eggs.

Proceed adding all the rest of the ingredients blending each one as you go. Heat the pan and pour in about a tbsp of cooking oil. As mentioned above, coconut oil will do nicely, but Barlean's Culinary Oil is to live for. There is just something about it that works for cooking in high heats - it is meant for high heat and brings on a delicious substance and flavor.

Hot Berries: This is the cool part. After the cakes are all cooked, toss a cup of blueberries, cherries or other fruits or berries into the pan. If they are fresh, then will just need a quick swirl in the pan to warm them. Yet, if they are frozen they will make a huge sizzle sound and steam up a quickly. Doing this also makes the pan look like the picture below. But, don't worry, it actually cleans up easily. It is just the color from the berries that instantly coats the pan. Toss the berries, or cherries in this case, around a bit until they thaw - about 3 minutes. You can most likely turn the heat off the moment you toss them in. While they are warming (thawing), butter your cakes (or not), pour a small amount of Maple syrup on them (or not). Top with the warmed fruit.  (put the pan in water immediately and let it soak-it will then be easy to clean).

Now, here is the best part: Once this whole extravaganza is complete sprinkle the entire plate with Celtic Sea Salt (grey fine ground). You will be heaven, I guarantee it!

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