A ten minute video that explains this incredible device. ON SALE for one more day. Over 100,000 people are now enjoying the benefits of Healy - a personal wearable device which delivers Microcurrent and Frequency device.
The sale for the Healy has been extended until tomorrow - Wednesday Sept 9 @ 2:50 PST. The Healy is a medical device in the US for chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and arthritis, and depression.
What is a Healy? OMG! Since I sent out my last email about the sale I was flooded with interest and many questions I did not know the answer to. This propelled me into a marathon 3 days of learning, using and helping people purchase one. The excitement is inspiring to say the least. And, the results I have experienced are far beyond regular health. Breakthroughs are happening with the internal changes needed to help people become inspired and whole.
Sound too good to be true? Well, I say it is about time we have something positive in our lives that can assist us in being the people we want to be.
The Healy hardware is a small hand held device that relates to the hundreds of software programs that send a frequency relating to specific needs: inner balance, depression, mental needs, fitness, bioenergetic balance, meridian balance, skin, nutrition, beauty and so much more.
Because frequency medicine can be confusing to some and because it takes a bit to understand this incredible device and the software programs that are included, the above video was made by a colleague. It is only 15 minutes long and says it most of what you will want to know.
Of course the Healy will be available for many years to come, but there is a sale on right now that makes this affordable to many more people. The Healy device and the software packages ordinarily range from $500 to $2500, and are now on sale for $500 to $1500 (ish).
Watch this short video because even if you don’t want one now, it is good to start learning about frequency medicine, because it is the wave of the future of health.
With just running one program I felt a dynamic change in my overall well being and mood. Now, with a week of use I can report incredible deep sleeps, elevated mood and a calm and peaceful attitude (well most of the time). In addition there have been incredible results from others.
(HealyWorld.net) is a direct marketing company. For this reason the prices are affordable for household use. Most frequency medical devices range from 8K to 25K, and you have to go to a practitioner for each use. Now there is a device that you can use at home to analyze your needs, and promote recovery and well being. So cool!
So much to say here. The sale ends on September 9. Contact me with questions or if you are interested in ordering while the sale lasts. Of course, it will still be available after the sale.
Call or text: 808-250-1535.
With much excitement!!
Susan Teton