Food Journal: November 9, 2011
Still trying new ways to keep myself fueled, satisfied and keeping my weight up. Ever since I did the fast last year (march 2011) keeping my weight up has been a challenge. I know, most don't have this problem, and I certainly never have either. I seem to get busy and don't eat that much.
All this said, I am going to start journaling my every day challenges, successes, tips and failures. I work at my own business, which means I seem like I am always working. I don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen either, unless it is leisurely. And, most the food I get when out is not up to my standards. It is often overly spiced (I almost called it "over medicated"....haha), over cooked and expensive. I totally get why people succumb to fast food.
Today: Since I was leaving early this morning I wanted to fill up before I left. This was not easy as I do not like to eat early in the day. Get ready, this is an odd day of eating:
Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of fresh spring water to start my day followed by another glass of water within the hour. Then I warmed some fresh goat milk and added an herbal tonic with some whey protein powder and 1 tbsp of coconut oil added. I actually drank this and it felt OK (new for me to mix this herbal/whey mixture with milk). Since my housemate was in the kitchen making a huge breakfast for she and her boyfriend, I wanted to stay out of the way. So, I quickly boiled some water, added a handful of oatmeal, one date and turned off the heat. I got ready, then I put the cooked oatmeal in a bowl "to go". Before I closed the lid, I added a raw egg yolk. Yes, that's right! I let it sit on top and then mixed it in the oatmeal when the oatmeal cooled a bit. I added a little raw sugar on top, just to make me feel better. Yes, this was a first.
OK, this mixture was actually good and kept me feeling fueled and full until about 1:00 pm. At this time I was in Whole Foods Market on Maui (oh darn), shopping for the desserts I am making tomorrow for the 11-11-11 event. They had fresh guacamole and chips in the produce department. It was fabulous. I went back for two more huge bites. Then they had samples of scones in the bakery. I had three of those also. Satisfied, I left the store for the rest of my errands. During this time I drank my 12 oz jar of water.
When I came home I was hungry and tired, so I ate two persimmons (woohoo - in season)and then laid down for a little rest. Upon waking I decided to make a bone broth as I was craving something substantial. In the pan I threw two bone marrow bones into some water with salt and began the boil. Tonight I am going to add a potato, carrot and celery to the broth, then top with another raw egg. Guess I am into eggs today! This is actually quite a different day for me.
Oh, I forgot to say that I had my Vitality Herbs and Clay mixture in a glass of water this afternoon after my rest.(Immune Power, Mineral Mana, and Hair, Skin, Nails combo)