These are not my lips - nor my teeth - but I thought it might get you attention!!
My Month in TJ at the Dentist - Please read this because it illustrates how much our teeth and the potential decay in them affects our health - your health!
This is why you have not heard from me in a month. Had I felt better I would have shared my month long journey in November to California and then back and forth to Tijuana for dental work. But, the experience caught me by surprise and took every ounce of my energy just to survive the many influences during the ordeal.
Many of you already know there is new evidence around the impact that dental health has over our entire systemic health. The protocols are changing. Mercury is out - even though there are many people I know with mercury still in their teeth….yikes! In addition, root canals are performed like fillings used to be. Biological dentists are extracting the mercury and many are pulling old root canals. Implants - Titanium or zirconium? Many are going to Mexico or Thailand to save money on these very expensive procedures.
This is my story, which I think has value to everyone who cares about their health and/or feels as though they have tried everything and they still feel lousy. What is going on in our mouth is going on in our body. Simple as that. Included in my story, which radically affected me and my health, are the best recommended protocols for hygiene, some of which I skipped thinking they were not that important. Will I ever learn!?
Here is my story:
Over twenty years ago a fortunate circumstance led me to find one of the top biological dentists in the country. He happened to be in Tijuana. I had experienced some bad dental work in my life, and decided to check him out. Now it is popular to go to Mexico, but at the time my family thought I was nuts. I was still living in Southern California so it was not a big deal to me. In addition I was educated in the latest research on nutrition and alternative health so off I went to meet Dr. V. (his name for this article).
I have since been to him many times over the past twenty years. I had old mercury fillings removed, old root canals pulled, old bridges wrapped in heavy metals replaced and some minor fillings. Every time I finished a big process with him, I would think I was done. But, no, not the case.
The reason I am telling you this story is that this last procedure we did has had a significant and noticeable impact on my health. Many of you know I was down for nearly a year with Shingles - the year long experience included my rebooting and revitalization process. Even though I recovered I never really felt like “me” again. I finally gave in and began to think that the “old me” would never return and that my current state was the new norm. I felt good most of the time, but lacked a certain vitality I had come to know as me. There were times of feeling pretty darn good, but then down times as well. I felt more sensitive and frail than ever.
It is important to note that in the two years before I was slammed down with Shingles, I had a horrible abscess flare up on one of my lower teeth under a three tooth crown. Ouch, it was so painful. I went to my local dentist on Maui (whom I like very much). He suggested a root canal. I sent the x-rays to Dr. V in Tijuana and he concurred to get a root canal asap. Despite being against the root canal process, it was the best we could do at the time to alleviate the infection. It was not long after that the tooth next to it went in the same direction, and another root canal was performed. Dang. Shortly after both of these breakdowns and subsequent procedures (root canals) I came down the Shingles. Are all of these connected? Who knows? But, we do know that something was happening to bring my immune system down.
So, a year goes by and I do everything I can to heal and get my energy back. Much of what you have already read on my Blog posts if you have been following me. The Medical Medium was my protocol to follow, plus meditation, deep rest and many other health practices.
For the most part I succeeded in my re-book goals, and over time I gained my strength back, but never really felt robust like I used to. I would have great days and then crash a little. I became a more sensitive person, and chalked it up to age (maybe?).
On November 1, I flew to California for a workshop and when it was over there I decided I better check in with Dr. V. Oh God, here we go again, I fearfully thought. I stayed with friends in Dana Point, CA. so the trip to TJ was pretty simple; a train from San Juan Capistrano, a trolley to San Ysidro, and a brisk walk across the border. Dr. V’s office is a short distance by taxi. Once complete with him, I would reverse the travel and get back to Dana Point in the evening, sometimes much later than I wanted.
Dr. V. wanted to pull both of my root canals and perform the necessary surgery for extraction and deep cleaning of the bone, which he (and other biological dentists) insist is vital to removing out all the decay, bacteria and infection. Both teeth at their root still showed decay and infection, visible on the x-ray. Had they not showed any sign of decay then it would probably be a different story. This decay at the bottom of the root of the tooth was most likely causing a drain on my health. I also had a couple of little cavities on other teeth and needed some work done on my bite.
I felt sick. Now I needed to stay in California for a couple more weeks and it would mean many trips back and forth to TJ, not to mention the unexpected expense.
I am not going to go into how excruciating and draining this back and forth travel, and the arduous hours in the chair was for me because the story would be too long and would probably bore the hell out of you. However, it did teach me a huge spiritual lesson that changed my attitude in a big way. I also used some meditation practices that I will forever swear by. I will write about them soon but for now this is about our teeth and our health.
I ended up getting a hotel room in TJ the day before and after the surgery. Then I went back to Dana Point to heal for a week, and back again to TJ to remove the stitches and fit the partial for the missing teeth. No implants for me …..yet. The area in my mouth needs to heal first, and quite frankly I don’t want anyone to touch my head or body for quite a while. Done.
Dr. V could tell this entire experience took a huge toll on me, and suggested I go home to Maui and sleep for a week. This I did, and I am happy to report that I finally feel like the “old me” again. It is like a cloud has been lifted from my being. My mood is enhanced and my vitality has returned. It is slight but so significant to my life. Had I known this prior to trip I would have hightailed it to Dr. V. sooner. How could I know? X-rays show the signs. This means it is vital to have your mouth checked at least once a year.
On another note, the friend I stayed with promptly made an appointment to get her teeth cleaned. Her hygienist suggested she get her teeth cleaned every four months because plague grows faster as we age. True? I am not sure, but that is the suggestion. Do it at least ever six months and follow the hygiene protocol suggested below. Do it!
I will return to Dr. V in six months to adjust the partial and make decisions about implants.
Things you might be wondering or of value to know are highlighted below:
Info on Root Canals * Costs * Prior Surgery Procedure * Best Hygiene Protocol.
Root Canals (yay or nay):
There are some root canals that can be very successful. The procedure removes the decay, kills the root, and the tooth and infection usually heals. In my case it was easy to denote in the x-ray that the infection was still alive.
Here is some info from Google:
There is a growing awareness of how a root canal can affect one’s general health due to toxification of bacteria in the tiny tubules of the roots. This can lead to inflammation in the mouth or elsewhere in the body, especially along the meridians (microscopic energetic channels) that connect each tooth to organs, sinuses, sense organs, vertebrae, muscles, tissues, joints and glands.
Root canals have been implicated in the onset of degenerative diseases such as arthritis, heart valve problems, breast cancer, gall bladder disease, eczema, cystitis, colitis, migraines, sinusitis, hypertension coronary artery disease and thyroid disease.
Many people have found that debilitating symptoms such as problems with digestion, fatigue, headaches or skin, that couldn’t be diagnosed or cured conventionally actually disappeared when they had a root canaled tooth removed.
There is a contentious debate between dentists who unquestioningly advocate doing root canals to ‘save the tooth’ and those who believe all root canals are toxic and must be removed for safety. On one side they compare a toxic root canal to an infection under your fingernail to treat with antibiotics, and other side they compare it to a gangrenous toe that must be amputated.
Dental work is extremely expensive, particularly implants and cosmetic dentistry. Root canals alone are at least a thousand bucks. There is definitely money to be saved if you have your dental work done in TJ. There are many great dentists there as well.
People often say to me (with a look on their face that meant “why the hell do you do this?” Is it really that much cheaper?” I would have to remind the person asking that I go to this dentist because I trust him, he is my dentist, and “yes” is it is cheaper, but that is not the primary inspiration.
A biological dentist is much like a naturopathic doctor. They take their training to another level, which involves the entire body. When you consider the travel and inconvenience I am not so sure one might save that much money. It depends on what you are having done. TJ has grown enormously and there are nice hotels, and those that work with the dentists (blended soft foods and a somewhat healthy diet). It takes some planning, and budgeting. I pretty much have it down now, and if I had to do it all over again, I might stay closer to the border because the back and forth made for very long days.
Prior To and Post Surgery Procedure:
FYI: Here are some of the protocols prior and post surgery. Dr. V. recommended several homeopathics: Arnica 30X (bruising), Belladonna 30X (swelling), and Phosphorus 30C (bleeding), Gelsimium 30C (anxious or nervous) plus Echinacea and Goldenseal, vitamin C, Grape Seed Extract, and a diet of fresh soft foods, and no alcohol or sugar.
Best Hygiene Protocol - At Least Twice A Day
Irrigate: OMG, you must get a waterpick to remove large food particles and plaque. I love using my waterpick and always use it after meals, especially if I don’t have time to brush. it is great for the gums as well.
Brush: Sonicare toothbrush by Phillips is what Dr. V. recommends. I was not using an electric toothbrush because I don’t like having a motor in my mouth. OK, I am over it, and use one now. Dr. V. stressed how much better they are for cleaning off the plaque.
Brush: Yes, again. This time with a compact head medium bristle toothbrush with minimal fluoride-free toothpaste. This is to massage gums and improve blood flow. Brush down on upper teeth and up on lower teeth.
Floss: Glide by Crest or your favorite dental floss. This is vital to eliminate plaque from between teeth and remove any remaining debris.
Rinse After Flossing: 50/50 mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide to prevent bacterial growth at the gum line and help with rapid healing of micro-cuts caused by flossing.
Tongue Scraping: Put the tongue scraper or a tongue brush at the back of your tongue and gently bring it forward along your tongue; repeating several times or as needed. Make sure you brush the dorsal or central section as well as the sides covering the entire tongue and finish with a fresh water rinse. This is done to eliminate toxins and plaque and at the same time reduce halitosis.
How about YOU?
Have questions? Have similar experiences? Please do tell below. We are all learning and by sharing experiences and knowledge we will learn more.
Here’s to your beautiful smile!
Aloha, Susan Teton
I am offering “Improve Your Diet & Strengthen Your Self Care Practice.” complimentary consultations. Have questions about aging, diet and nutrition, digestion, joints, skin, teeth, and/or your energy, mindset, or mood?
I am a health and consciousness junkie and am dedicated to help people master a self care practice that fits within their lifestyle and provides them the results they want.
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